The game of death

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There they were Elijah, Megan, Oliver and Peg for a scary moment i thought they were dead but then i heard Peg groan


"Peg get up" I said slightly raising my tone to wake them up

Slowly they started stirring

"Where are we?" Oliver asked

"dunno" I replied

"What do you mean by 'dunno'- " Megan started but suddenly stopped abruptly as if a thought had struck her


"No...No it isn't I swear I just woke up here and then...."

I told them what had happened since I woke up from Liz to the hooded figure as they listened in rapt attention.

"So.." Elijah started as if he just came to his senses 

"Why didn't you call the cops"

The thought struck me like a heavy blow I suddenly felt so stupid...why hadn't I called the cops

"ummmm I-i" 

"Liam are you seriously kidding me you woke up in a random place and instead of calling the cops you went roaming around in the halls..."

"Hold that thought..." Elijah interrupted as his tone changed into a slightly worried one

"Where's Liz..." He said as silence fell over the room 

"Shit" I said regretting how stupid I had been

"So what are we waiting for LET'S GO" Peg said ushering us out of the door as Oliver brought out his phone to call the cops.

"Damn it" he cursed

"There's no reception and my phone's almost dead" He said

We all brought out our phone but to our disappointment most of them were dead

Only peg's phone still had a lot of battery left but as Oliver said there was no reception

Suddenly we heard distant screams followed by Liz's scream


Liz pov:

The woman turned and made a wild grab for me I escaped narrowly but not before getting slashed on my stomach badly with her nails "Damn it didn't she ever cut her nails"

I ran out of the room still cursing I might have ran a mile or so because by the time I stopped I was dripping with sweat and blood the pain was getting unbearable by the second my vision was betting blurry as I saw the hospital come in and go out of focus suddenly I saw 5 figures approaching from a distance "LIZ" was the last thing I heard before my vision became black.

Author pov:

"LIZ" Elijah screamed running towards her

"LIZ ARE YOU ALRIGHT" Megan said as she followed

"She's out cold and she's also bleeding profusely" Peg said who was surprisingly calm

"Megan go grab your first aid kit" Elijah said

"What first aid kit?" Megan asked

"Arg the one you carried around in your bag remember?"

"Ah, yes I do but I'm not sure I have it at the moment...still i'll go check" She replied

"Wait-- don't go alone its best if we stick in groups" Oliver cut in abruptly

Peg checked how deep the wound was as Megan and Oliver ran down the way they had come...

Liz pov:

When I came to my senses I realized that I was in a ward or the exact hospital ward I had run from to be specific. I was covered in white covers and Band-Aids, I got up in a panic half expecting to see the woman still there but was pleasantly surprised to see my friends sitting at the foot of my bed. Peg was the first one to notice.

"Are you alright Liz?" she asked worried

"Yes but seriously that bruise didn't need this much covering I look like a mummy" I said

"ermm" they mumbled

There was silence as they stood there.

The silence was broken by a voice.



"ahhhh" screamed peg


"What proposal" said Oliver in a serious tone


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