The beautiful face

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"W-who's there?" I ask my voice shaky  

"Don't you recognize me Lizzy?" The voice answered

The voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't quite place it, I Looked around the room for any person. That's when I saw a woman cowering in the corner facing the wall, I wondered why I couldn't see her in first sight like she almost melted away in the darkness. Almost by instinct I started walking towards her.

Now now now I know what you are thinking, seriously Lizzy you see a woman in a corner with her face hidden you start walking towards her??

I know, I know I have watched enough horror movies to know that's exactly what you shouldn't do, but her aura wasn't scary or intimidating it was more sad and lonely.

"Hullo?" I asked

"Who are you?, Go away" The woman said 

"Hi am Lizzy, Who are you?" I answered

"I am Trisha" She said

"Hi Trisha I am stuck in here do you know any way to get out of here?" I asked her

Almost instantaneously her tone became cold

"No" She said

"Oh" I said almost in a whisper 

"Why are you hiding your face from me though?" I asked

This time she answered in a sad monotone which almost made me feel sorry for her but i reminded myself she still might be a potential threat to me

"People get scared when they see my face" Trisha said

This sent all kinds of red flags off in my mind, I could almost see my braincell running around in a panic.

but I answered in a calm voice "Why?"

"This is why" She said slowly turning her face around

But it wasn't what I expected at all, She had a really pretty face, it looked as though she was in her early 20's. Then slowly I saw the real reason why people were terrified of her, Her face started melting away revealing her bare skull and eye sockets stained in blood, As her blood curling scream filled the room.

Liam pov:

It was really cold outside when I woke up, As I looked around I realized I was in a hospital..... A very dark hospital to be exact.

"Anybody there?, Liz?" I called out

"Liam?" I heard Liz's voice answer back

But at this point I couldn't even tell if I was just in a dream. So just to be sure I called again

"Are you there?" I asked

But I got my reply by silence........"Hullo Liz?" I said almost choking up 

But still no reply...... And then suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw a hooded figure. I turned around just in time to see a dark figure running down the hallway and enter a room. But the way it walked was spectacularly weird ......

  I followed it into the room it had entered 

I pulled the handle revealing.....

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