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Dedicated to: Damonlover81

Marley followed Skylar through the school and met the school's driver's education instructor Mr. John Diggle but the class was for the seniors only. When it was almost lunch, Marley was hesitant with spending it with Skylar and his friends, but she did actually want to spend lunch with her sister

"Would it be okay if I spent lunch with my sister Sky, I like hanging out with you I really do, it's just I want to make sure she's okay too." Marley just didn't want to spend lunch with Jane's hostility towards her, especially since Jane didn't even know her at all.

Skylar was a little disappointed to know Marley didn't want to spend lunch with him, but he understood why.

"I understand Marley. And I like hanging out with you too and we can still hanging out after lunch and I'll continue to show you around, but let me at least buy you lunch though." Marley wasn't sure

"Won't your girlfriend be upset with you buying another girl lunch?" Skylar was confused and said

"I don't have a girlfriend, and if you mean Jane. She isn't my girlfriend. She's basically my sister. But I know of her feelings for me. She doesn't exactly hide it very well and I don't recuperate the feelings to her." Marley was shocked at what Skylar.

"Have you told her that?" Skylar nodded his head

"I have. And I've even made point in saying that she's basically my sister every chance I get in her presence, and I've distanced myself from her too so she can get the hint even more that I don't recuperate her feelings. If I did i'll only be hurting Madison." Marley felt for Skylar and placed a comforting hand on Skylar's arm.

"I understand what you're going through actually." Skylar looked at her and said

"Really?" Marley nodded her head

"I do. My ex Ryder. Well he isn't really an ex. But he always had these feelings for me, but I don't and never have recuperated them at all and I was always in a relationship with his friend Jake, and Ryder he never got the hint at all, even I after I told him no all the time. I just hope with me now being away from him and everyone there it helps him realise that no means no, and hopefully let's Jake understand that I can't be the girl he idealises me as and puts on a high pedestal and treats me like I'm perfect. I broke up with Jake by the way." Marley doesn't know why she felt the need to tell Skylar about how she and Jake broke up, but she did.

Skylar was relieved to know that she and her ex broke up and was also relieved that she understood him too.

"I'm glad you understand what I'm going through Marley." Marley gave a small smile and said

"A chicken salad." Skylar was really confused and Marley gave a small giggle

"For lunch Sky." Skylar held his arm out for Marley to take and walked her to the cafeteria.

After Skylar purchased their lunch, he walked her to where Rachel normally has lunch on her own so Marley could sit with her.

Rachel gave a smile when she saw Marley and Skylar walk in the music room.

"Are you going to stay with us for lunch Sky?" Skylar shook his head and said

"I'm not. I'm going to spend with Spencer, Mason and Roderick and Jane and Madison." Marley thanked Skylar and then watched him leave.

"You've taken a liking to Skylar." Marley turned to look at her sister and blushed slightly as she sat down next to Rachel

"I might have." Rachel sensed something was wrong.

"Are you okay, it's nothing to do with Skylar is it?" Marley shook her head no.

"No not Skylar. More his friends. Well friend. I don't think she likes me very much or even likes my friendship with Skylar either." Rachel knew exactly who she was talking about.

"Let me guess Jane. She's really possessive of Skylar. She got upset with me once because I didn't pair her and Skylar together for a duet but paired her with Roderick and Skylar with Madison in Glee club. She tried to swap partners but I told her if she did, she wouldn't get to perform and it wouldn't be fair on everyone else in the group. Skylar actually feels really suffocated with her because of how possessive she is of him." Marley listened to what Rachel said and all of sudden became nervous and scared.

"I don't want this to happen again. I had it happen with Kitty for Jake. And Bree with Jake. I don't need it here." Rachel hugged Marley in a comfort embrace

"It's going to be okay Marls. All you and Skylar can do is talk to her about it all, and if it doesn't work then I'm sorry I don't really have anything." Marley sighed

"Knowing that I can talk to you Rachie and talk to you about this as someone needing a big sister, is enough for me. And right now I don't want to rush anything with Skylar, as I only did break up with Jake a week ago and Jake did cheat on me and was putting pressure on me to do it, instead of respecting that I'm asexual and not interested in any of that at all." Rachel takes Marley's hand and squeezes it.

"It's okay to go slow Marley, and Skylar is really understanding too. I think pretty soon he will tell you his story." Marley looked at her confused and curious

"His story?" Rachel nodded her head

"Yep his story. Not mine to tell, it's his story, and when he tells you just listen. But enough about that, how you liking the school so far and the teachers you met so far." Marley took a bite of her chicken salad

"They are really nice. Especially Skylar's older brother Barry and Miss Smoak, Mr. Ramone and Mr. Diggle. They're nice. I've only met them so far, I'm going to be meeting the rest after lunch. And the school seems really cool and much better than Mckinley. I think I'll really like it here." Rachel was really glad to hear what Marley said. She gave a smile and said

"You will like it here Marley. And you can have lunch with me anytime you want."

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