Chapter 9

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Jimin and Taehyung met in high school years back. They also studied in the same college abroad so they have been best friends. Taehyung's teenage days were fun all thanks to Jimin.

Jimin's parents both worked abroad and that's how he got to study abroad. The last time they saw each other was one faithful afternoon when they were in a cafeteria when Taehyung got a phone call announcing his father's death. Jimin's parents have been back in the country for the past two years but Jimin remained because he became a model and an actor in LA.

His career as a model and actor has been a success and he has featured in so many magazine covers, gained a lot of contracts and been cast in some movies too. He came back because he got a contract to work with one of the fastest rising entertainment companies in Korea and also for the fact that his parents have been begging him to return.

He's finally back to where everything all started, close to his family and his best friend and still got his career moving forward... he can't think of anything better than that, just like they say, "no place like home".

Jungkook Parked the car and went inside to join them in the living room. "Where did you keep the luggage?" Mr. Kim asked the maids who had just returned after carrying the bags inside, "In one of the guest rooms Sir," . "Take them upstairs," he ordered them. Jungkook, Hwan and the maids looked at themselves in disbelief.

"Upstairs!" The maids asked in confirmation, "yes," he replied as he turned to walk upstairs with Jimin. The maids went to get the luggage while Hwan and Jungkook went to their separate rooms.

Bored in the room, Jungkook decided to come outside of the building to take a walk. Walking down the side of the building, he saw two maids setting up a table under one of the trees in the garden.

"Good evening!" He greeted them, "good evening sir!" They also greeted him too . He wanted to ask them who the table was for but he decided not to.

"Aashi Tae, you know I would prefer going out to this," Jimin said as he sat down. "I've got work and different meetings to attend tomorrow , I wouldn't want to be hungover," Taehyung replied as he sat opposite him. "I'll give you just this weekend, next weekend, we are doing it my way," Jimin stated. Taehyung assured him.

"Hey man! Come join us," Jimin said to Jungkook who was walking past the swimming pool. Jungkook hesitated before he started walking towards them. "Why did you call him? He is my driver," Taehyung said in a low tone. "I know, there's nothing bad with dining with your driver," he replied to Taehyung as he signaled Jungkook to keep coming

Taehyung signaled a maid around to get another seat. "Can see you are bored," Jimin said to Jungkook as he approached and greeted them. "Common have a seat and join us," Jimin said once more. Jungkook looked at his boss to know his reaction. Taehyung nodded in acceptance, Jungkook sat in the seat and looked at Jimin trying to avoid his boss eyes.

Jungkook remained professional and didn't say a word. Taehyung had some wine in his wineglass while Jimin had some soju poured in his shot and some snacks in front of him. Jimin quickly passed Jungkook a bottle of soju with a shot.

"Did you ask him if he drinks that," Taehyung asked Jimin. "No, but he would say no if he doesn't drink it," looking at Jungkook he asked, "okay with this?" Jungkook nodded in acceptance

30 minutes into the conversation and Jungkook was becoming comfortable. "How old are you man," Jimin asked Jungkook, "I'm 22," he replied . Jimin nodded as he passed him another bottle of soju, "you can have this as well," he said pointing at the snacks on the table. But Taehyung handed Jungkook some fruits and said, "have these instead," "thank you," Jungkook replied.

Jimin is a lively person, so fun to be with...though he asked too many questions but Jungkook found him fun and liked him. His boss looked so different being around Jimin, he was happy and relaxed. They laughed so hard as they talked, Jungkook wasn't left behind either. This was sure his best weekend in Mr. Kim's mansion.

"Let me have your line id," Jimin said to Jungkook as he brought out his phone from his pocket. Taehyung only moved his gaze from Jimin to Jungkook over and over as they both exchanged contacts. Maybe he wasn't okay with what was going on or that he was just tired and wanted to go inside.

"I really need to get inside and get some rest, it's gonna be a long day for me tomorrow," Taehyung said to Jimin, "okay," Jimin responded standing up and shifting his seat backwards to create more passage spaces. Taehyung walked out first, followed by Jimin and then Jungkook. When they entered the building, Jungkook said, "Goodnight Mr. Kim!  goodnight sir Jimin," he said and headed to his room.
Taehyung and Jimin discussed as they headed upstairs.

"Wow, that was great!" He said as he sat on one edge of his bed. His phone started to vibrate in his pocket, he took it out and seeing the caller he said, "Hello hyune!" He paused to listen, "sorry I didn't call..." he was still talking when the person cut in, "when will you be on leave, it's already a month and I need the car," Hoseok said abruptly. "I'll be back on Thursday this week, I already discussed it with the chief security," Jungkook explained calmly. "The car will probably be faulty now as you've not been making use of it since you got there...just keep your words okay," Hoseok said, "okay, I will," Jungkook replied without saying any more words.

He dropped his phone after the call and headed to the bathroom. He came out minutes later tying a white towel around his waist. He picked up the dryer to dry up the water in his hair as the droplets were already all over his body. He was about to plug it into the socket when he heard a knock on his door. He quickly went to open the door but the door was already swung open before he could reach the door handle. Standing in front of his door was his boss, he was still wearing the same clothes indicating that he hasn't showered yet. His probably still discussing with Jimin, it's what it should be as they have not seen each other in a long time.

"Can I come in?" He asked, "yes...sure!" Jungkook replied, dropping the dryer and looking around as if he needed a cloth to cover his body. Mr. Kim walked towards him and handed him a package saying, "this is for you," "thank you sir!" Jungkook said without looking into it to know what it was. "Open," he heard his boss order, Jungkook opened the package and in it was an interlocking G black leather watch, "do you like it?" Mr. Kim asked

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