Chapter 24

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"Thank you hyung" Jungkook said smiling back at Hwan.

Jungkook drank from it few times before keeping the plastic on the car bottle holder and relaxed into his seat only turning to give Hwan a weak smile then faced forward.

They waited in the car for about thirty minutes more before a notification came into Hwan's phone. It was a message from Mr. Kim asking him to get a cab. The cab later parked in front of their car as they awaits their exits.

They were soon seen walking out of the restaurant. Mr. Kim's jacket hanging around her shoulder, covering her little exposed skin. Maybe she felt cold inside as she was only putting on a brown mini dress, long enough to have reached her knees. Only that her shoulders were little exposed.

Well Mr. Kim had offered his jacket to her to help contain the cold inside the restaurant, which was what every perfect gentleman would have done, but that doesn't seemed to be the case where Jungkook was as he despised the view in front of him but only managed to keep his face neutral. He had to, it's not like they owed him an explanation, he is Mr. Kim's driver and had to act accordingly.

Taehyung and Miss Lia walked to the cab as Taehyung helped open the back door for her, she got in and handed the jacket back to Taehyung who took it with a gentle smile before closing the car door. Hwan and Jungkook watched from were they stood waiting for their boss. Taehyung turned and walked to his car Jungkook immediately opened as he drew closer. He got in and Jungkook closed the door, he got in himself as he threw a glance at Mr. Kim through the front mirror before starting the car.

Taehyung dropped the jacket he was holding on the seat, bringing out his phone as he started scrolling through. They arrived at the company and Jungkook did the usual. He had parked the car in the parking lot of Mr. Kim about to get off the car when he noticed Mr. Kim had left his jacket on the seat. One part of him wanted to take the jacket to him but the other part didn't so he concluded he never saw the jacket and got off the car.

Everything had gone like always and Taehyung is now back at the Kim's. But this time they had gone back earlier than usual, 4pm and Mr. Kim was out of the office and back home. The same time he usually goes to the factory but he had done all they needed to do for now. He had given Mr. Jin leave from work as they got time to relax before the testing of their new car.

As Jungkook lay on his bed after putting on a lounge wear, he took his phone wanting to talk to someone to keep his mind off. Off what exactly? Well maybe he just needed a distraction as he is being stressed lately. So he decided to face time Jimin.

Jimin picked up, seeing Jimin's gave him a little comfort. Jimin at the other hand wasn't alone as he was at the site where they were shooting a scene. Jungkook couldn't see much, only saw hands moving around Jimin's face. One trying to dry the sweat on Jimin's face the other dressing his hair and another applying some powder with a brush.

"You are really engaged there" was the first thing Jungkook could say.
"What we have to do..." he stopped not ending his sentence "you looked stressed, what's going on? Thought work had been a little less stressful recently?" Jimin inquired trying to know why his friend looked that way

Jungkook only gave a wired smile before saying "it's nothing" "oh cut the crap... you know you can't use those words on me, right?" Jimin cut in

"It's just that I don't understand it myself" Jungkook said. Jimin did find that disturbing as he had never seen Jungkook in such state not like he knew him too well, but that's how you understand a friend right? You keep seeing different sides of them until you get to understand each sides.

"Understand what exactly?" He asked, he tried stopping those busy hands on him, wanting to pay more attention to what Jungkook may say and not wanting them to over hear.

Jungkook felt reluctant, he was trying to say something at least tell Jimin what he was stressed about but didn't know how to start. Jimin noticed his struggle then "don't say if you aren't ready to... it's not like you have to tell me now, or maybe it's not even supposed to be a phone conversation, we can meet during the weekend if you want..." Jimin suggested, Jungkook only nodded and hummed, which made Jimin more concerned as what would have led to Jungkook being this way.

The call ended and Jungkook was about to drop the phone on the bed before a notification came in, he checked and it was from Chan. It's states that Mr. Kim won't be going to work the next day. Jungkook just read through and threw his phone on the bed, before hugging one of the pillows for comfort.

Jungkook woke up the next day to another notification on his phone, that was from Hwan asking him to come join him in the gym. Well that seemed like a perfect idea. He rushed to the bathroom to wash his face then brushed his teeth before changing to a proper gym wear.

He gently opened the gym door then walked right in. He walked straight to the arena where he knew Hwan would be, probably boxing. He slowed his pace before reaching there and gently pulled on the door but stopped half way as his eyes caught sight of the young man laying on the floor with his back, looking up the ceiling. Next to him was Taehyung too in same position.

Beads of sweat ran down their faces as small pant escaped their gaped lips. Taehyung's left hand reached for the towel on his chest as he used it in wiping his face. They looked so drained from their workout. Hwan got up from the floor, stretching his right hand towards Taehyung who was still on the floor, to help lift him up. Taehyung got hold of Hwan's hand before Hwan pulled him up. They gave a shoulder hug before Taehyung tapped Hwan's shoulder for them to continue.

Jungkook gently turned and walked out of the gym without being noticed.

He got to his room, took his phone from the night stand to glance at the message again. Why would Hwan call him out when Taehyung was there? He only goes to the gym with Hwan alone. If Taehyung should be there, then the invitation has to be from him. Considering him the boss and needing some privacy. The message came in by 7:36am while he woke up by 8:56am. Maybe Hwan had sent the message before Taehyung walked into the gym he thought.

He dropped his phone as he aggressively tapped on his head with his two hands. He pulled his hair as he bent dropping his elbows on his thighs with his hands still gripping his hair. What the heck is wrong with him recently and why is he getting pissed off with every little thing? Especially when Mr. Kim is involved. Why is this happening to him? He wanted to just scream as much as he could but that can't happen in Kim's.

After long hours of trying to take a nap without being successful, Jungkook walked out of his room and headed upstairs. He got to the wide corridor leading to Mr. Kim's room, stood for sometime looking at the door before he began walking towards it. He took a deep breath as he reached the door before gently knocking on it. Few seconds and the door swung open.

This will be all for now🥳🥳 will update next week🥰

Thank you for all your support 💜

Love. Jassnazz 💜

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