Chapter 2

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Vi's Pov:

"What's the plan?"

"Okay there are rules for you." The king starts and I nod with a small chuckle.

"A guard will walk with you wherever you go, no matter where. Well..unless you're in your dorm." He continues, which makes me roll my eyes.

He then goes on with more and more rules and most of them make me just make me feel like I'm in prison again.

"And the last rule, stay away from my daughter." He tells me and I can't help but snort at that.

"'s that relevant?" I wonder while raising my eyebrow.

"I don't want my daughter to be distracted by someone like you." He continues, making me scoff.

"Someone like me?" I ask while crossing my arms.

The king sighs. "Just..stay away from her. And don't cause any trouble." He tells me and I sigh while leaning back again.



After like an hour the car stopped. I look outside to find the school in front of me. And everyone is staring at me.

Or well..the car.

The car door then opens and one of the guards look down at me, mentioning for me to get out. I take a deep breath before getting out of the car.

"When am I getting them off?" I ask while shaking my arms, mentioning to the handcuffs.

"Later." Was the only thing he said before pushing me to walk forward.

I sigh deeply as I follow the other guard inside the building. While that everyone stares at me, students but also teachers.

I expected us to walk to my room but instead we walked into a big room. Where..everyone is already waiting for me. Students and teachers are sitting on chair, taking in like half of the room. In the front there's a woman and a girl, who's about my age. Since the woman is standing up there she must be the queen. So..the girl is the princess?

Damn..she is really pretty though..

The guards then walk with me towards them. After they removed my handcuffs one of them pushes me up on the stage to them, making me stumble. I fall down on my front, on which everyone started laughing.

I sigh as I lean back to sit up. I try to get up but I can't. I'm weaker since I barely got to eat anything in prison.

But then I suddenly feel a hand on my arm, which pulls me up to stand again. Everyone gasps at that and when I look up I find the princess looking down at me as she helps me up.

"Caitlyn, stay away from her." Her mother, the queen demands while pulling her away from me.

I look at them to find the queen angrily looking at me but the princess doesn't. Her face is softend and she looks at me confused.

I guess she doesn't know what I did..

Well..why I got send to prison..

So I stand up straight and hold my hand out. "Nice to meet you." I say to the queen but she just scoffs at me before looking away from me.

I sigh at that and then turn to look at the princess. I move my hand in front of her and she stares down at it.

"C'mon, I'm not gonna hurt you." I say with a small smirk and she glances up to look at me.

The princess then slowly then moves her hand towards mine but before they could even touch her mother pulled her away again.

"Would you stop it!" She exclaims angrily and I sigh while stepping away from them.

"Okay for everyone, this is Violet. She's going to go to this school now." The king says while glaring at me.

Right..stay away from his daughter..

"Vi?" I suddenly hear a familiar voice call me.

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