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╔⭑-⭒-⭑-⭒-⭑-⭒-⭑╗𝕮hapter three╚⭑-⭒-⭑-⭒-⭑-⭒-⭑╝

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𝕮hapter three

"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?" Laid out on the unfinished construction of the deck, Evangeline peered her eyes open to see the brunette teen balancing on the roof's edge. JJ sat just a few steps away, his body draped around the railing with a beer in hand, Pope with a drill in his. "I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival." Evangeline rolled her eyes at the boy's 'statistics' before returning to her sunbathing, while Kie was off discovering what they were building in the new house. The brunette had no care in the world, her thoughts in a bliss. "Hm. Should I do it?" John B bellowed out, licking his finger to check the direction of the wind. "Yeah, jump." She called up, a playful glint in her eye. 

"I'll shoot you on the way down." Pope added, the drill squealing in their ears. "You'll shoot me?" John B scoffed.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kie called out with stomping footsteps. The rumble of her footfall disrupted Evangeline, making her sit up and face her friends. "Of course. Why wouldn't they?" JJ muttered with a shrug. "This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess." Evangeline gave her a sympathetic smile before glancing back up at John B. He had his can of cheap beer in one hand, and his other now outstretched to keep his balance going. For a brief moment, they caught each other's gaze, warm smiles stretching on their lips.

Kie noticed the two sharing looks, her lips briefly turning down, but realizing that the brunette teen was up on the roof, she huffed. "Can you please not kill yourself?" She muttered. "Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one." JJ called up as he warily watched the beer can in his best friend's grasp. "Whoa! Oh, shit." And that's exactly what John B did, his can flying down to the deck, the beer spilling all over. "Of course you did. Smooth."

Evangeline laughed before hearing a car's engine. Peeking over the railing, she huffed. "Hey, guys! Security." She warned before they all gathered their belongings. John B jumped down multiple ledges before reaching his friends. "Boys are early today." JJ called out as the group of Pogues raced with laughter. "Humpty Dumpty, let's roll!"

Evangeline couldn't help the laughter that left her lips, her heart pounding with adrenaline. This is what JJ had promised her that day, adventures and endless possibilities. Reaching the road, she spotted the familiar VW van and smiled. The door was pushed open, the wheels turning as they prepared to jump in. Pope and Evangeline were in first, Kie and JJ right after. With a howl, Evangeline pushed herself into the passenger seat and stuck half her torso out, JJ following after her from the van's door.

"Check out Gary, gunnin' for a raise." JJ shouted with a laugh. Evangeline's brunette curls flew around her, strands of hair everywhere. John B could see the bright smile on her lips as she waved her arm around crazily. "Come on, Gary!" She exclaimed before reaching for a discarded beer can. "JB, slow down." She called out, the Twinkie's speed lowering briefly. "Hey!"

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