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╔⭑-⭒-⭑-⭒-⭑-⭒-⭑╗𝕮hapter six╚⭑-⭒-⭑-⭒-⭑-⭒-⭑╝

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𝕮hapter six

When Evangeline returned to the Chateau, she wasn't expecting to see Sheriff Peterkin's car parked outside. Quietly she made her way onto the covered porch, both John B's and Peterkins voices flowing from the screen door. "You skimmin' just above the surface. Now, down here is foster care, juvie." Peering through the door, Evangeline watched with a frown. "Pretty big drop for a smart kid like you. Up here is you and your little friends doing whatever you want. Outer Banks - or foster care on the mainland." John B frowned, his eyes lowering to the floor. "You're one inch above the surface, John B. If I was you, I'd start flapping my wings.

"Now, you sure you didn't come across a wreck yesterday?"

"No." He started, his eyes noticing Evangeline's lingering frame. "No wreck." Peterkin held his gaze before nodding. "It's better if you didn't, you understand? I'm gonna look the other way, as long as you stay out of the marsh." She directed before her foot kicked an empty beer can. "I got dogs livin' better than this, John B. You might wanna think about cleaning up." And with that, she walked out, missing Evangeline completely. Giving it a second, the brunette made her way inside, her bag dropping on the couch. "What was that all about?" John B let out a deep sigh, his hands running through his hair. "Just - about what happened at the Boneyard and stuff." He shrugged, Evangeline crossing her arms. "What stuff?"

"Stuff as in, the wreck. Um, she said to just stay out of the marsh." Evangeline frowned as she watched him pace around the room. "No, I heard that. I'm talking about the stuff that involves DCS." He tensed, his eyes finding her own. "When were you gonna tell me?" John B knew that he couldn't hide much from the girl, she could read them like open books. "I told you -" She shook her head. "- That you had it handled? John B, they're threatening to take you away and you didn't think to say something?" He shrugged. "I did though." Evangeline rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but not to me."

The two stood quietly for a moment. "You have to call it all off." The brunette frowned. "What?" Evangeline turned and gave him a firm look. "If you want this DCS shit to go away, then you need to drop everything. Peterkin is willing to put her job on the line to help you, John B." Evangeline watched him look away, his finger absentmindedly tracing the surface of the table. "I know you more than you think." And she was right, John B had to admit. Like he always says, she was a voice of reason.

"Okay." He agreed, glancing back up at her. Evangeline's shoulders slumped in relief, her eyes now focusing on his eye. "How's your eye?" The brunette shrugged, his fingers prodding at it slightly. "Nothing I can't handle. You?" Evangeline shrugged, remembering the new bruise on her cheek. "I'll live." The two stared at one another for a moment longer before she broke it. "Come on, time to deliver the news."

"Look, I'm callin' it off. Alright?" Seated out back, Evangeline lulled her head to the side, the mixture of Kie's drumming and the lapping water just down the dock echoing in her ear. Both teens knew the hunt was over, and Evangeline already could tell that it wouldn't go over well with the others. Especially for JJ. "Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS." The others all turned in John B's direction, curious glances on their faces. JJ scoffed. "And you believe her?" Evangeline scoffed, her head switching sides to look at the boy. "Yes, he believed her, JJ."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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