Part 3

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"Are you guys ready?" Emily asked as she was preparing to ask Ken his first questioned. "Ken, would you rather masturbate--" there were laughs at the time.
Emily gave Ray a glare, long enough for them to stop laughing and focus. "As I was saying," Emily cleared her throat as she gave Ray a 1 second glare.
"Ken, would you rather masturbate in front of everyone or twerk like a stripper?" Emily asked.

"I am not doing any of that," Ken said, with the tap of his fingers on the table. Suddenly his fingers got chopped off as soon as he refused to answer. He screamed like his life depended on it, his blood was spewing non-stop from his undone hand. He continued screaming as Ray churned him. "Dude, what's wrong?!" Ray asked as everyone also looked confused.

Ken looked down on his hand, it was complete with all five fingers and there was no blood. "Huh! God! God, you're amazing," Ken said as he stood up and praised God.

"Ken!" Emily banged the table hard enough to wake up Jake from his sleep. "Oh, right," Ken sat.

It was Jessica's turn to ask Ray a question. "Would you rather lose all your teeth or respect Jake forever?" She asked.

"Ha! That's easy, respect Jake forever," Ray said, banging the table. "Can you not do that?" Emily glared. "You did it too," Ray said.
Emily rolled her eyes and then let out a sigh.
"Okay, okay, okay, I'll focus," Ray gave out

Meanwhile, Jake was still lying down but he was awake. He still didn't want anyone to see that he was still in the house.

It was Keisha's turn to ask. "Nick, would you rather admit that you're wack or terrible in sex?" Keisha asked. Ray laughed, "I'm sorry I couldn't hold it in," he said. "Ahh... I wish you could just stop laughing until we finish this game, all of you actually!" Emily said, angrily.

"No, I am not answering any of that. Never!" Nick said. Suddenly, Keisha was holding a thin knife with a sharp blade. She used it to slit Nick's throat and laughed like an obsessed witch on a fantasy movie.

Nick held his neck to stop the bleeding and to stop the choking, he was choking on his own blood. As he was about to drop dead, he snapped out of his hallucination. "You saw it too?" Ken asked.
"No, it was nothing, I did that to avoid answering the question," Nick answered collectively.

"Yeah, me too," Ken said. "Um, okay. Emily your question. Be ready," Ken added.

"Emily, would you rather tell other participants what you were doing when Jake was in your room or would you rather get a slap from a ghost?" Ken asked.

"I'd rather get slapped by a ghost," Emily said, shamefully. She stretched herself by raising her arms high, a thunderous slap on her right cheek caused her to roll as she was landing on the ground. Jake flinched and quickly stood up, Ken screamed in fear as Jessica and Keisha quickly stood up to check on her. Emily was lying down unconscious, Jake ran to check on her. "Move, move," he insisted. Keisha and Jessica cleared for him so he could check on Emily. Jake tapped Emily with slaps continuously. "Wake up, Emily wake up!" Jake cried.

Emily gasped with her eyes wide opened, as her chest pumped up. She was struggling to breathe, Jessica and Keisha helped her to get air by standing her up. Nick ran to get a glass of water for her. He came quickly and gave it to her.

"Where were you?" Ken asked Jake. "I was down there," Jake pointed to where he was.
"What happened?" Emily asked. "You fell asleep," Nick quickly said. "Don't you feel any pain?" Ray asked as Ken quickly punched his arm.

Emily wasn't really feeling any pain, she even had no memory of what happened to her before she woke up on the floor with Jake close to her.

Everyone went back to their seats. No one was terrified, they were all calm. Jake went to seat on the couch.

"Jessica, would you rather kiss Ken or Ray?" Ray asked, looking at Jessica. "I'd rather kiss Ken. I don't want Ray reminding me everyday that we kissed," Jessica said as she stood up and went to give Ken a very brief kiss. She went back to her seat.

"That was easy," Emily said. "Keisha, would you rather play the game with your shirt off or would you rather kiss Jake's feet?"

Keisha grimaced in disgust as she wiped her mouth rapidly, "Ew! I'm taking my top off," she said as she took off her top and threw it on the floor. Fortunately, she was wearing a bra. "Nick!" Jessica said, clicking her fingers at Nick who was irresistibly failing to take his eyes off Keisha.

It was Emily's turn to ask, "Ken, would you rather have sex with Emily or would you rather drink your own semen?" She asked.

"I would rather have sex with Emily!" Ken quickly responded. "N-No! Never!" Emily refused.

They were disturbed by a ringing cell phone. It was Nick's. He answered it and put it on his ear, "hello?" The call was anonymous.

"Do not play that game! Do not answer the third question!" Nick flinched at the noise that the mysterious old woman was making. He put his phone on loud speaker for everyone to hear. "Do not play that game! Do not answer the third question!"

They all looked at each other confusingly. Nick's phone switched off, on its own. A huge black glistening snake came from behind Emily. "Snake!" Jake screamed. Everyone jumped from their seats. The snake slithered through Emily and went straight to Ken. He screamed like his life was depending on it. He couldn't move as the snake tackled him down with its tail. That snake was as long as an Anaconda from a movie, made with cg. It had a skin covered with glistening black scales like it was covered in grease, which was unusual and it just came out of nowhere.

It coiled Ken as everyone ran from Ken to the door, they tried to open it but it never opened. Ray tried to smash the window but the wind blew him off from trying to escape. He landed hard on the wall and fell on his arm but it wasn't injured.

The snaked had coiled Ken, crushing his bones like he was a full roasted chicken being separated for feast. It swallowed his head as everyone watched in terror. The noise they were making was enough for the neighbours to hear but no one ever came through.

When the snake was done swallowing Ken, it magically disappeared. The girls cried and screamed, the boys comforting them as they were trying so hard to hold their tears to look strong. Well, except for Jake. He was also crying, he couldn't hold it in.
"Play or you all die!" A red demon's voice echoed across the room.

They hesitantly went back to their seats. Fear was running down their spines, tears flowing from their eyes. They sat down and tried to stop themselves from crying. Jake was on Ken's seat. "Playyy-a!" The red demon's voice echoed again. Everyone startled, Jake jumped up impulsively. "I'm not part of the game and I don't wanna die, so..." Jake said as he walked to sit on the couch that he had been seating on.

"Ray, would you rather lose your parents or would you rather lose your voice forever?" Jessica asked. Ray, chuckled. He let out a sigh, "My voice," he let his hand hit the table like he was giving up. "I'd rather lose my voice," he added as he cried with no sound coming out.
"Are you crying in silence?" Nick asked as his eyes were full of confusion. Ray stopped crying and tried to shout but no sound came out. He couldn't stay calm until a voice echoed and commanded him to focus.

Nick nodded his head out of frustration and banged the table hard with his hand. "I'm quitting! Jake come and take my place," he said as he stood up. "Nick, don't!" They all begged. As Nick was walking to the couch, he froze involuntarily and slowly levitated with his legs kicking in the air and his hands on his throat-- struggling to breathe like he was being strangled by something invisible.

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