Part 4

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Nick was choking and they were all afraid to get close to him and help. "Please let me go, I'll finish the game," Nick pleaded.

He fell down and gasped to catch some breath. "Emily, I hate you," he said as his eyes were fixed on Emily.
"What! Why?" Emily exclaimed.
"You forced us to play this game, now Ken's dead!" Nick said.

"Ray, aren't you going to say something?" Keisha asked as she laughed. Ray gave her a glare and gnawed his lips. "Stop playing this game," Jake insisted.

"Fool! Do you want us to die?" Keisha exploded. Jake shrugged in embarrassment.

"Let's finish this," Nick said. He went to his seat and others followed him. There were five people left in the game. Jake refused to take Ken's place because he was afraid of death.

"Jake, come on," Nick, Emily and Keisha begged him, because the game needed six people to play. Jake still refused. He couldn't let them take advantage of him anymore.

Jessica jumped to Jake's defence hysterically, "we all have been treating Jake unfairly. What is wrong with us? We take advantage of him because he's a good person and now you all are begging him to die. Stop being a bunch of narcissists."

"Calm down," Nick said. "We were just kidding," Keisha joined in.

"Nick, would you rather agree that you have a vagina or would you rather slap Keisha?" Keisha gulped.
Nick with no hesitation, he stood up and slapped Keisha hard before she could even duck. "Sorry, Keisha," he sighed in relief.
"I'm sorry Keisha, but Nick you to say the words like 'I'd rather do what' you know," Emily said.

"What?!" Keisha exclaimed. "I'd rather slap Keisha," Nick said.
Keisha ducked to avoid Nick's slap. Nick hit her with a slap as soon as he saw an opportunity when her face was no longer hidden.

Keisha rubbed her cheek gently, "this is unfair," she said.

"I guess I'll ask myself my own question," Emily said.
"Um, Emily would you rather cut Nick's face or cut yours?" She read.

"Only if I'll get to have sex with you after this," Nick said. Emily nodded, "sure," she said as a knife appeared magically on her side of the table. Nick went close to her to get cut. Emily slid the knife on the side of his face, causing a wound that was going to leave a long scar on his face.

Nick grunted under his breath as he handled that graze like a man. "Uh, I will smell you later," he grunted loud enough that everyone at the table heard.

"I will read my own question too, I guess," Jessica said. "Or do you want to?" She asked Ray, who rolled his eyes at her. She gave out a light laugh.

"Jessica, would you rather cut Emily's tongue or Nick's tongue," she read. Jessica realised how difficult it was for her to do such thing. Jake stood up from where he was sitting from as he realised that Jessica wasn't going to choose any of that.

"Know what? I'm sick and tired of this game," Jessica said, angrily. "Please play," Jake pleaded. Meanwhile Emily and Nick were looking at each other, fear burning in their eyes as they both hoped not to get chosen by Jessica.

Jessica teared her card apart and the red demon shrieked. "Is that what we were supposed to do in the first place?" Nick said as he teared his card also, the red demon shrieked again in pain.

"No! Stop!" Jake yelled. "You are making things worse! You are not destroying it!" He added.
"How do you know?!" Emily asked as she teared her card also. Ray and Keisha followed. Jake quickly ran out of the living room when the cold wind started howling, furniture creating disturbances and everyone levitated involuntarily. "Heh!" The red demon said as it became visible in its full form.

"Nicky! Nickyyy! Ha-ha-ha," it laughed as it strangled Nick telekinetically. Nick struggled to breathe until he was too weak. The red demon summoned its blade and drew Nick's soul out of his body with it, and then threw it on the floor carelessly, telekinetically. "No!!" They screamed, except for Ray. The red demon turned to Ray, it drew him closer telekinetically and sniffed him. "Heh!" It said.

It telekinetically made Ray point his finger to it, closer to its mouth. Ray was full of fear, he was hyperventilating in terror. The red demon bit his finger out of his hand and swallowed it without chewing it. It laughed hysterically and maniacally as Ray was in pain trying to scream. "Heh! Scream! Rayy-i," it laughed.

It clutched its hand in his belly and took his guts out. Ray was trembling in pain as he watched his own guts out if his body. The red demon ate them before it took its blade to take Ray's soul with it. Only Jessica, Keisha and Emily were left levitating. Keisha cursed the red demon in anger. The red demon didn't draw her closer, it just twisted her neck harshly and threw her carelessly like Nick.

Emily and Jessica begged for their lives. Jake came out of hidng with a mirror that was plastered in the bathroom. He stood behind it and called its original name 3 times as quickly as he could. "... I command you to go home!" Jake said as the red demon shrieked in pain, it tried to resist the mirror but it failed as the mirror sucked it in like a magnet.

Emily and Jessica fell down from the air. Jake quickly went to the bathroom to return the mirror.

Jessica brushed herself as she stood up and helped Emily get up also.

Jessica : Emily.

Emily : Huh?

Jessica : I know a legend about a demon that
lives in mirrors.

Emily : Oh yeah. Me too. (she chuckled with a sigh).

Jessica : And it was only Jake who knew its

Emily : It can only come out of the mirror if
it is summoned and the only person
who can command it back to the
mirror is who summoned it.

Emily and Jessica both turned their heads to each other slowly. They both screamed in fear!


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