Paranormal Temple

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"It's about time you come home. Why are you so defiant? It's time I was released from this prison. It's been thousands of years since I've truly seen that wretched planet. I was able to temporarily escape when your mother was given to me. How is she doing? I hope she is well.

Your new friends can't protect you. Do you truly believe you can escape your destiny? What do you expect will happen? 

You need me to survive. You have always needed me, just like your brothers and sisters. You would not be able to live on Earth if not for me and my followers. 

They will be waiting for you. You will need to rebuild my temple and make it like new.

What is wrong with you? Why are you holding your tongue? ANSWER ME!!"

"What do you expect me to say? I will not open the portal. I won't be the one to let you out, not on Earth."

"Do you believe yourself to be stronger than me? Need I remind you that you are half-human? You cannot best me."

"Watch me!"

"Wat Suwannaram?" Natasha asked curiously. "I'm not familiar with that temple." Raven slightly shook her head, snapping herself out of what felt like a daydream. I hate you, Father.
"It's in the Bangkok Noi District, about 700 years old. It was built during the Ayutthaya period. Many Burmese soldiers were killed there." Raven informed.
"I'm assuming that the next thing you're going to tell me is that it's haunted."
"As far as tourists are aware, yes."
"So then you can confirm it?"
"Let's just say not everyone is kind-spirited. Some of the soldiers are still angry, and probably became a poltergeist by now."

Tony walked over and sat next to Natasha. "Explain a poltergeist." He stated, looking a bit unamused.
He probably doesn't believe in ghosts and such things.
"Poltergeist: a ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects thrown around," Raven announced, sounding like a dictionary.
"Thanks, Google," Tony said with mild sarcasm, to which Natasha rolled her eyes and Raven shook disapprovingly.
Loki appeared next to Raven, curious about the temple they were going to.
"So this temple is used by members of your family?"

"Hardly. It's used by the people who worship my father. If his other children are lucky, sometimes they get to go to that temple to talk to him."

"You're not the only child?" Tony asked, looking mildly concerned.
"I'm the only one with a human mother, which is why I'm allowed on Earth, and they aren't."
"But yet, some of them are?" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, but they are responsible for retrieving me. They probably already know that I'm heading to the temple, which is why we haven't been attacked yet."
"How many other children does he have?" Loki asked.
Raven thought for a moment, wondering how many other children her Father may have. "Given he's thousands of years old? Probably hundreds."

Raven's eyes suddenly rolled to the back of her head, her world suddenly going back

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Raven's eyes suddenly rolled to the back of her head, her world suddenly going back. The only things she can hear are Natasha and Loki's voices calling her name, echoing and fading away.


A/N: Hey all, sorry I haven't posted in such a long time! I've been taking some time to think about what happens from here, along with taking some time to help my mental health. I promise I'll post another, much longer chapter before the end of the year! Thank you for waiting!

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