Night Terrors pt 2 (The Broken Seal)

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"My love? What seal?" Loki asked, trying to get Raven's attention.
Raven got out of bed, rushing to the mirror.

"Raven?" Loki called, getting up. Watching Raven uncover the mirror, he half expected to see a face of a man. Instead, it was only the reflection of Raven.
"Baratheon! Baratheon, show yourself!" Raven said, her voice shaky with anxiousness.
"Baratheon?..." Loki softly asked, anxiously waiting for the mirror to change.
"Baratheon!" Raven called again.
A few long moments go by, nothing appears in the mirror. Raven slammed her hands on the dresser. "Dammit! I need to go to the temple!" Raven sighed in annoyance as she recovered the mirror.
"Temple? Raven, what are you talking about? Who is Baratheon?" Loki asked, looking at Raven with concern.
"You've never heard of Baratheon?" Raven asked, mildly confused. "I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Baratheon isn't that well known to those who aren't into demonology. He's... He's my father."
"And you speak to him through mirrors?" Confusion in Loki's voice
"Yes. That's how we communicate."
"That's why you keep the mirror covered and avoid looking at anything with a reflection?"
Loki got out of bed as Raven grabbed a duffle bag and began packing clothes in it. "Raven, where is this temple?"
"It's in Thailand," Raven said hurriedly. "That's where I'm actually from."

Loki slightly scratched his head, thinking to himself. "That's quite the distance. How do you plan to get there?" Loki asked curiously.
"It's an old temple. I know he wants me to go there, and I know that if I go, I risk setting him free. But there's also a chance that I can make the seal stronger. And to answer your question, I don't know."
"What about the crystal that you told me about before? The one that was part of you?"
Raven sighed. "I can't use my full abilities without it. So I need to find the council before I can do anything with the seal."
"Weren't you originally-?"
"Hiding from them? Yes. But now I don't have a choice. I need to seek them out." There was a gentle knock on Raven's door. Natasha gently opens the door, carefully letting herself in. "I heard shouting a little bit ago. Everything okay?"
"Not exactly," Raven said, zipping up the duffle bag. "Okay, would you care to explain?" Natasha asked, raising an eyebrow.
"The seal is breaking, and I need to hurry up and get to the temple before it's too late!" Raven said in a mild huff, not wanting to explain things again. "Her Father is preparing to escape," Loki added in, to help clarify the situation.

"Where is the temple?" Natasha asked. "It's in Thailand," Raven said, pulling an old, mildly rusty box out from beneath her bed.
"What's in the box?" Loki asked. I don't recall ever seeing it before, he thought to himself. "It contains a cursed book. Anyone who isn't me that tries to read it either goes mad or dies mysteriously. Not even the council is able to read it, they rely on me to translate the ancient text and to perform the spells from it. This is how I will make the seal stronger. It's also how he could escape."
"In other words, that book is a double edge sword," Natasha observed.
"I'll talk to Fury and the others. We'll get you to your temple." Natasha said, walking out of the room.

Raven sighed nervously, knowing that this mission wasn't going to be easy.

"ไปยังสภาบาราธอร์น ฟังโทรศัพท์ของฉัน ข้า เรเวน ลูกสาวของบาราธอร์น เรียกเจ้าไปที่วิหาร เวลาได้มาถึงแล้ว"

(Translation: "To the council of Baratheon, hear my call. I, Raven, daughter of Baratheon, call you to the Temple. The time has come.")

"You can speak Thai?" Loki asked, surprised. Raven turned to him, slightly smiling. "Yes, it's my second language. I'm tri-lingual."

"Always a surprise with you, isn't there?" Loki asked smiling.

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