Dream Walking

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Raven found herself walking in darkness, feeling more confused than scared. Her voice echoed as she called out, "Hello? Anybody there?" In response, a small voice broke the silence. Raven's gaze focused on a little boy standing before her, his raven hair and emerald eyes catching her attention. With a mix of confusion and curiosity, she questioned, "Loki?" However, her gut feeling told her that this child wasn't Loki. The boy, named Elliot, clarified, "My name is Elliot. Are you my mom?" Raven inquired about his age, to which Elliot replied, "I'm 8. I'll be 9 soon." This conversation led Raven to inquire about his special powers, which he claimed to have possessed since the age of 5. It was at this moment that she realized her abilities had also manifested when she was young. Contemplating whether she could be Elliot's mother, Raven suggested a DNA test to find out for sure. As Elliot nodded, seemingly understanding the gravity of the situation, Raven couldn't shake the feeling that he was indeed her son. Overwhelmed by emotions, she fought back tears as Elliot innocently asked if she had wanted him. Raven's heart shattered as she admitted, "I did want you, but I was tricked into signing papers to put you up for adoption." Elliot then pulled out a medallion from under his shirt, revealing a piece of jewelry that belonged to Raven's late mother. The sight of it left her speechless, as she had planned to give that necklace to Elliot on his 12th birthday. Realizing the undeniable connection, Raven's unspoken words were interrupted as she abruptly woke up to the smell of something burning. Reacting swiftly, she rushed into the kitchen to find her sister, Salem, in a state of panic, with Loki standing nearby, clearly confused. Taking charge, Raven shouted for the baking soda to extinguish the grease fire caused by the frying pan. As Salem handed her the baking soda, tension rose between the sisters. Tempers flared as they exchanged heated words, but Loki intervened to ease the situation, reminding them of the fortunate outcome that their home hadn't burned down. Slightly affected by Loki's presence, Raven walked away, retreating to her room. Salem, however, persisted, recognizing that Raven had seen Elliot in her dreams again. Undeterred, Raven chose silence, heading to her bed, and leaving Salem and Loki to discuss her emotional turmoil and the pain that Elliot's memory brought her. Willing to help, Loki proposed to talk to Raven and uncover the source of her distress.

Raven went back into her body and got up, quickly getting dressed. Sliding on her shoes, she swung her door open and headed for the front door. "Rae?" Salem called. "I'm not mad at you, so calm down. I'll be back," Raven said without looking. "Rae, wait!" Salem called as she closed the door.

Loki observed Raven as she exited the front door, pondering the cause of her highly agitated state, besides the potential threat of a fire that could have left them all homeless. Salem took a composed breath and remarked, "She's probably heading out to buy cigarettes or whiskey." Loki decided to peruse their collection of books, while Salem commenced tidying up the kitchen. Curiously, Loki inquired, "Is there anything I can assist you with?" as his eyes skimmed over the diverse selection of titles. "Cleaning? No, but thanks. If you can miraculously pull Raven out of her shell, that would be appreciated," Salem responded, her tone laced with sarcasm. Loki probed, "Has she confided in anyone else about her son and previous relationship?" Salem replied, "Surprisingly, yes. It seems she has developed a level of trust for you." Perplexed, Loki questioned, "What do you mean?" Salem elaborated, "Well, she does appear to trust you." Loki pressed further, "Does she struggle with trusting others?" Salem disclosed, "This is the first time in years that she has opened up to people other than me and our aunt. Well, she stopped talking to our aunt because she couldn't trust her with anything. And for a while... she even stopped talking to me." Loki's curiosity peaked as they asked, "Why?"

Loki observed as Salem paused, her voice filled with uncertainty. "I'm not sure," she admitted. "She just...vanished for a couple of years. And she refuses to discuss it."Nodding knowingly, Loki pulled out a book adorned with an orange cat on the cover. Flipping through its pages, they understood that it was not intended for an adult audience. Curiosity sparked, Loki inquired, "Why do you possess these volumes called 'Warriors'?"Approaching the bookshelf after completing her task of washing a pan, Salem explained, "Those belong to Raven, she has treasured them for years. They hold sentimental value for her."Pointing towards a collection with the title 'The Ancient Magus' Bride', Loki's interest was piqued. "And what do these books encompass?"Salem responded, "Those are Raven's manga books. Like Japanese comic books."Manga books?" Loki questioned, unfamiliar with the term. Salem clarified, "They contain illustrations within the pages. I do not partake in reading books."Returning the book to its rightful position, Loki remarked, "Raven undeniably adores books. Has she perused these volumes?"Salem reflected, "I believe she has read each of them at least three times." "In that case, why such repetition?" Loki sought to understand Raven's motivations. Salem pondered for a moment before responding, "Perhaps it serves as an escape from reality."Acknowledging this insight, Loki spotted a notably thick book and plucked it from the shelf, reading aloud its title. "Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Short Stories and Poems."Salem confirmed, "That's her favorite. She particularly treasures the poem, 'The Raven'." "I think I shall borrow it," Loki declared with intrigue. "This appears to be quite captivating."Settling onto the couch, Loki began to read, immersing themselves in the pages of the book.

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