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Raven woke up to a white ceiling. It was off-white, indicating that she was no longer at the Avengers Tower. Looking over, she saw Salem sitting next to the bed she was on, reading Shakespeare."Salem? What happened?" Raven asked telepathically."You caused a power outage in half the city, including Avengers Tower. Fury had us relocate, and he mentioned that someone else would be joining us. He didn't say who, but he did say that they would fight for approval," Salem replied. "By the way, why do you prefer Edgar Allen Poe over Shakespeare?""Poe is a bit more morbid. Where are we?" Raven inquired, sitting up."We're in Rapid City, Iowa. We're on the outskirts of town, away from the crowds," Salem explained, finally setting down the book. "It's about time you woke up. You've been unconscious for two and a half weeks.""Why am I not in a hospital?""Remember what happened last time?"Raven paused to think. "Oh yeah... I scared the Christian nurse, and she started throwing holy water at me. Now I remember.""Dr. Banner said you would be fine. I'll inform him that you're awake. I think he's nearby," Salem said."No need to bother."Raven ran her hand through her hair. "Why does my hair feel shorter?""I gave you a trim. Your hair was getting tangled, and you had split ends. Don't worry, you still look good," Salem assured her, standing up. "Oh, and while you were out, Steve and I unpacked your things. You can rearrange them as you please.""Steve?" Raven asked, cautiously looking in the mirror. "As in Steve Rogers? Captain America?""Yes! Wait, you haven't met him, have you?""I met him briefly, enough to share my life story with him, but leaving out some details, as usual.""People will never trust you if you keep doing that.""Maybe they shouldn't.""Maybe Loki should train you to properly use your powers."Raven finished changing into clean clothes and joined Salem in the living room."Why Loki?" she asked."Because Dr. Strange uses a different kind of magic. From what I understand, you and Loki utilize similar magic," Salem explained."How can he help me if he's in prison?""He's not in prison."Raven looked around the living room, noticing that her sister had put up some of her decor alongside hers. Surprisingly, Salem also liked ravens and skulls, but hers had a hint of pink, of course."What do you mean? I thought he was being relocated.""He is, but he's under house arrest."Raven looked at Salem, puzzled. "Did Thor get a house here on Earth?""No.""Then-""Rae, I don't know... On a different note, why was everyone calling you Rachel?""Alter ego?""Seriously?"Raven shrugged and went into the kitchen. "So when should we expect our roommate?" she asked, scanning the fridge. "Where's the meat?" she whispered to herself."It might be tonight. I'm not sure, which is another reason why I'm calling Dr. Banner," Salem replied, holding her phone to her ear."Are you calling him now??" Raven asked, still holding the fridge door open."Hey, Dr. Banner! I'm awake, and I'm moving around...... Yeah, I remember everything........ It's not our mom, is it?....... Okay, thanks. I'll wait for his call... Bye!""So?" Raven asked, going back to the living room."Well, the good news is, Mom will not be our roommate. But, Fury should be calling us soon," Salem said, looking up from her phone."So who is?""Dr. Banner didn't know. Probably Loki.""I doubt that.""I know you're hoping it's him.""Oh really? What gives you that idea?"Salem leaned forward, smirking at Raven. "You fancy him.""Do not!" Raven said defensively."Yes, you do!""Shut up!""Loki and I sitting in a tree," Salem started singing."I'm going back to my room," Raven quickly left and closed the door."K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!" Salem obnoxiously shouted.Raven put in her headphones and started listening to Edgar Allen Poe's classic poems and short stories. She took a slow deep breath. Please no more chaos from here.She laid down and closed her eyes, listening to her favorite poem, "The Raven".
Salem thought it was amusing to see Raven squirm like that. Salem decided to pull out her Crystal ball from under the coffee table and start to chant. Soon enough, a picture appeared, revealing Loki with Nick Fury. Salem had a feeling about this and decided to keep it a surprise for Raven.Right on time, Fury called."Hello?""Salem? This is Fury. I'm on my way to you with your new roommate. We'll be there within the hour.""Okay, sounds good! We'll be here. Raven is up, by the way. She's doing fine.""Glad to hear. Is she willing to talk with your mom?""No, but I don't blame her. I'll do my best to talk her into it. Convincing her won't be easy.""And her powers?""I suggested that Loki teach her how to control them. So far, she hasn't experienced any power outage.""Why him? If you don't mind me asking.""They both practice the same kind of magic. If Loki can show her how to use her powers willingly and not let her emotions take over, she could be a valuable asset to the Avengers.""What about her father? How do we prevent him from coming?""We need to make sure she doesn't summon him. Even if she retrieves her Crystal, she must perform the summoning ritual.""Can just anyone do it?""Unfortunately, yes. However, I will give you the book so that you and the others can be on the lookout for any signs.""Copy that. See you soon."Fury hung up, and Salem placed her phone down. She put away her Crystal ball, got up from the couch, and headed towards Raven's room to see what she was up to. Seeing Raven with her earbuds in, she could either be listening to music or poems. It appeared that she had fallen asleep.~Time Skip~The doorbell rang, and Salem opened the door. "Fury, Loki, it's good to see you guys again.""Salem, same to you. Where's Raven?" Fury asked, stepping in and scanning the surroundings."She's in her room, sleeping."Loki walked in, looking around. Fury took out a device and pressed a few buttons. "Alright, house arrest has been activated. I'll be in touch." Fury hurriedly left through the door.

"Hey Loki, if you want to surprise Raven, that's her room there." Salem pointed to the door that had an anime poster on it. Loki looked at the door, smiled, and turned to me. "How did you know I was coming?" He asked.
"Lucky guess," she said, smiling proudly. Loki went into Raven's room, gently calling her name.
After a moment of him being in there, she hears Raven squeal, followed by her shouting. "STOP TICKLING ME!!"
~Raven's P.O.V.
Raven heard a male voice calling her name. She wondered if it was Loki. It sounded like him, but she couldn't believe he was actually there. Normally, he would call her Rachel. "Raven," the voice called again. Raven stirred, giving a response. "Mmmm." The voice persisted, teasingly threatening to tickle her awake. But Raven remained still, convinced that the voice was nothing more than a dream. Suddenly, she felt someone's hands sliding onto her sides, their thumbs making a circular motion on her ribs. She couldn't help but giggle, trying to push the hands away. Slowly, she opened her eyes to see who it was. "Loki?" she asked, still giggling. "In the flesh, love," he replied, bringing his hands higher, knowing it was more sensitive. Raven laughed even harder. "St-stop! Hehehe L-loki!! Hahahahaha! Hehehehe St-STOP TICKLING ME!" she snorted, covering her mouth right after. Loki stopped and pulled her closer, his arms wrapped around her. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his embrace giving her comfort. "Uhm... Fine," she responded. Just then, Salem's voice echoed from the living room. "Rae, I didn't know you still had your guitar!" Raven and Loki got up and joined her. Salem handed Raven her guitar, excitement evident on her face. "Do you still play??" she asked eagerly. "Ya, kind of," Raven admitted. "Will you play something now? I know you don't sing anymore." Raven hesitated for a moment before sharing her newfound secret. "Actually, I've... Uhm, I've started singing again. I mean, I still sing behind closed doors, but I've started singing in front of people...." she explained, starting to feel like she was talking too much. Salem's eyes lit up with joy. "Play my favorite!!" she beamed. "Salem..." Raven began, but couldn't resist her friend's plea. "Please??" Salem added, her excitement infectious.
Raven sighed, knowing she was only going to bug her about it. "Okay."
Raven sat on the couch, trying to remember the rhythm.
"Salem, remind me of the beat."
Salem thought for a moment and started giving her the beat.
As she listened, she nodded, remembering the rhythm. "Okay, I remember now."
Loki and Salem sat down and listened.

(A/N: Obviously this isn't my video, but I love how she plays this song.)

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