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The bell rang. Break time.

Luke and I stayed seated, as the rest of the kids stumbled out of the doors into the school grounds. A few of the kids glared at Luke and I together, the girls giggled and the boys whispered things under there breaths to one another.

"So what you got next?" I asked Luke. As I did, one of the older boys threw a rock at Luke, just missing his face and hitting the wall.

"Nothing!" Luke said, anger in is tone. He stood up and began to walk away, leaving me with his jacket. I shot up and put his jacket on, zipping it up even though it was ectremely big on me. I followed Luke through the school gates and out onto the pavements. A few kids in the school shouted on me to get back or they would get the principal, but I ignored them completely.

I watched as Luke shuffled along the path, hands in his pockets and bare arms exposed to the cold air. He crossed the road to the other pavement, but I stayed on my side of the road, on my pavement.

"Luke! Come back! Don't make me chase after you again!" I cried. He turned around and looked at me across the road. He smiled.

"I know, sorry!" He shouted back. I began to cross the road to get to him.

"Bonnie! Look out!"

I gasped as two big hands grabbed me and tackled me to the side of the road. A car flew past us. My heart was beating faster than it ever has.

I turned to my hero. Luke was lying on his back, breathing heavy. I could tell he had gotten as big a fright as me too. He let out a breath of air and stood up. He held out a hand and I took it as he pulled me up onto me feet.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault" he began.

"If I hadn't been such an idiot and walked away from you, that wouldn't have happened" I lifted my head to look up at him. He had a look of concern on his face.

"It wasn't your fault, don't blame yourself. Now shut up and walk me home" I sniffled. He laughed and guided me safely across the road. This time checking left and right to make sure it was safe to cross.

"What about school?" Luke said. Just realising we would be skipping school hours all day long.

"It's one day, no-one will notice we're even gone"

"Well the whole school seemed to notice back there!" Luke explained. I thought for a minute.

"Wait, it's your first day isn't it?" I stupidly asked.

"obviously" Luke laughed.

"yeah, well we can just say I was showing you around the school or something" I suggested.

"I guess that could work" Luke agreed.

"So where is your house?" He asked.

"um, just down here, my mum's at work too. So I get the house to myself" I smiled. Luke nodded and led me up the path to my door.

"You can give me the jacket tommorow, my house is only a few streets away from here, so i'll be fine" He turned to walk away before I could answer him.

"No!" I mumbled, loud enough for Luke to hear. He turned around to find me rumaging about my bag for something.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"My keys, I left them in the house because I was late!" I whined.

"Well, when is your mum home?" Luke questioned.

"She doesn't get home till 6"

"What about your dad?" He asked.

"Oh my dad left me when I was little" I mumbled.

"oh, sorry" Luke whispered. I smiled at him then sat down on my doorstep.

"What you doing?" He asked.

"Well I guess i'll just have to wait on my mum to get home" I sighed. Luke raised an eyebrow at me. God I love it when he does that.

"You didn't seriously think I would let you sit here in the cold?" He began.

"Come with me, I have my own place down a couple streets from here. So no parents to nag at us. You can hang there till your mum gets back if you want?" He kicked the ground nervously and looked at me. I began to nod my head.

"I'd love to, as long as it's ok with you?"

"I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't"

I let out a happy giggle, and he smiled at me. We walked side by side in awkward silence, until we reached his house. We walked upto the door and he opened it quickly. He held the door open for me.

"Ladies first" He laughed. I bowed at him and we laughed together I walked in and was faced with and mountain of clothes and the smell of something burning.

"Sorry about this" Luke blushed as he scooped up some stray pairs of boxers from the ground shoving them into a cupboard.

"Luke? Is that you?" I heard a manly australian voice yelling from the top of the stairs.

"Luke?!" Another australian voice yelled.

"Guys, Luke's back!" Cried another.

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