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"Bonnie, it's time to get up now" a voice whispered to me as my eyes opened and winced as the light attacked them all too quickly.

I moaned and rolled over to face my rude awakening. Luke was lying on his side with his head on the pillow looking at me with big eyes. He must have been awake much earlier than me because I could tell by just looking at him he was full of energy.

"You've been sleeping for ages" he said pushing some of my hair from my face.

"Why didn't you wake me up when you woke then?" I muttered.

"You looked so peaceful lying there I didn't want to" He replied. I smiled at how sweet he was being.

"It's almost seven, would you like me to make you a coffee?" He asked with a persuasive smile on his face.

"Only if your having one" I mumbled.

"I've already had three just this morning" He stated in a proud manner. That probably explained why he looked so hyper and full of energy.

"Go on then" I sighed. And with that Luke sprang out of bed still in his boxer's and lept down the stairs. I sat up and brushed my hair with the brush I had kept on Luke's desk for the last couple of days.

Then stood up to go and get a shower, I got changed in the bathroom too, just incase Luke walked in on me if I was in his room. Once I was ready, I walked into Luke's room to where he was sitting up on the bed, still in his boxers and holding a mug of coffee.

"Luke you need to get ready!" I told him.

"But... I need to give you your coffee" He whimpered with a pouty face. I always fall for the pouty face.

"Luke you are so persuasive" I sighed sitting on the edge of the bed. Luke smiled and handed me the mug of coffee, it was half full. So I turned to Luke with a raised eyebrow. He laughed a bit rubbing the back of his neck.

"I got thirsty?" He smirked. I shook my head at him and began drinking my coffee. I sat and played games on his phone while drinking, and waiting on Luke to get showered. When he came out of the bathroom, he started getting changed into his school uniform. I tried with all my power not to look, and just stay focused on the game I was playing, but my eyes somehow managed to overcome me and caught a glimpse of him in the mirror, quickly looking back down at his phone.

I finished my coffee and started to apply my makeup. I sat down infront of the mirror and pulled my make up from Luke's drawer on the desk. I opened the foundation, when a hand snatched it from my hand.

"Luke!" I cried looking at him behind me in the mirror.

"I need it back, we are already going to be late as it is!" I warned him.

"You don't need it back" He smirked, now holding it behind his back.

"I do, look at the state of me without it on!" I told him, pointing to my face in the mirror.

"You still have some on from yesterday Bonnie, you never take it off, it annoys me" He sighed. Now placing the foundation back on the table and wrapping his arms around my neck, placing his chin on my shoulder from behind.

"How does it annoy you?" I asked confused.

"Because you don't need makeup"

"I do! Look I look like some kind of freak without it" I was right, I had freckless across my cheeks which I hated, my cheeks would also go red at the worst of times but if I had foundation on, that wouldn't happen, and my eyes looked so bare and horrible without the mascara and eyeliner. Luke didn't say anything. Instead he picked up one of my make-up removal wipes,and began wiping off the makeup from yesterday and the bits that hadn't washed off in the shower. He wiped my cheek with the cloth, then began wiping off the leftover eyeliner and foundation. I watched the concentration on his face as he wiped my face. When he had finished, he looked at me in the mirror with a smile.

"Now you look perfect" He kissed my cheek. I looked away from my hideous reflection to look at my lap. Luke lifted my head up to look at him.

"I wish you could see how perfect you really are" He whispered before connecting my lips with his, his lip ring pushed against my bottom lip with force, but it didn't feel uncomfortable, it felt right. We kissed in sync before a loud Calum tore us apart.

"We're late guys, hands off each other and lets go!!" He cried, charging back out the room. I looked at Luke who's cheeks were almost as red as mine now.

"He's right, we should go" I said.

Luke and I ran down the stairs and grabbed a slice of leftover toast from the boys, then ran out the house. We caught up with them at the end of the street and by then Calum had already spread the news about Luke and I this morning.

"Congratulations baby Luke, your finally a man!" Ashton laughed, slapping Luke on the back as a reward. Luke rolled his eyes as the rest of the boys laughed along with each other. Lauren, Hazel and Rose were waiting at the school gates for me and the boys. Calum and Hazel greeted each other with a kiss, Ashton and Rose did the same.

"Guys? Can we wait here for Jacob, he'll be here any minute"  Carmine begged. We agreed to wait with her even though we were already late for registration. Michael joined Luke and I in mid conversation.

"You have art today then?" He asked us.

"Yeah just before lunch" I told him. Luke squeezed my hand slightly and showed me a reassuring smile.

"I'm only across the room, tell me if he does anything and I'll sort it without any fighting or arguing, just promise me you'll tell me before he hurts you again"  He told me.

"I promise"

"And if Luke is too weak and girly to put Jake in his place, just call on good old Mikey here" Michael smirked, pointing to himself proudly. I laughed and Luke pushed him playfully. Our attention soon turned to Jacob who was running down the street.

"Babe! You didn't have to wait on me!" He called from across the road to Carmine.

"I wanted to!" She replied. Jacob crossed the road safely and greeted Carmine with a quick hug and kiss. Michael did seem still pretty jealous of Jacob because he had Carmine, but I think he was getting more and more over her every day.

We walked down the school path together. I still felt really nervous about going into school with no make-up on. The only reason I had kept it off was for Luke. But now I was beginning to regret it. The bell went for end of registration which we had missed, so we all just walked to our first lesson.

Break came really fast and we all met up together outside at the benches. The next lesson we had was art, and I was dreading it. I sat on the bench in between Michael and Luke. The rest off the couples stood around us kissing, hugging and talking.

I noticed Jake was walking past us with a mob of desperate girls clung onto his arms swooning at every word he breathed. I watched them in deep despair until I noticed him watching me, he winked at me before I turned away.

"He's such a creep" Michael whispered in my ear making me jump a little. I looked at him, a tad relieved that someone else had witnessed Jake flirting. The bell went for the beginning of our next lesson.


(So sorry for the long update guys, I've been so busy with stuff that I haven't been able to upload for days. And then I punish you all even more with a cliffhanger? I'm a bad person, and I'm sorry. I promise you I will have another chapter up tomorrow whether it kills me or not. Thank you so much for reading, I love you all)

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