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"Was I your second kiss" Michael asked me. I had just woken up and had found him towering over Luke's bed.

"What?" I questioned him pulling the blankets up over my face to help from feeling self concious.

"Was I the second guy you kissed?" He repeated, now sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Um... yeah, why?" I mumbled with furrowed eyebrows.

"Shit, I'm so sorry" His voice turned apologetic. I sat up and pulled the covers to the side.

"Don't be sorry Mikey, what made you bring this up anyway?" I asked him.

"I was just thinking about it, that's all" He smiled. I nodded in responce.

"I better leave you alone now, sorry if I creeped you out a little" Michael laughed as he stood up off the bed.

"I knew you were a creep anyways" I rolled my eyes at him, before he walked out the room laughing and shaking his head.

I got out of bed shortly after, and fixed myself up so I looked presentable. I made my way downstairs to be faced with a droopy Luke who was sound asleep across the couch. I covered my mouth to prevent my laugh that was trying to escape. Making my way infront of him, and sitting down on the couch across from his, I watched him dream like I used to do. His eyes hooded over, blacking out the world in his own mind's creative prison. His hair was flat and tangled, his mouth slightly open and mumbling jibberish words that I couldn't make out.

He was still the perfect Luke from before, only more tired, but none of the left out flaws that I missed and loved were gone.

"numertum... Barthle... Borey... Bonty... Bonnie... Bonnie!" He jumped up as he shouted the last of my name. He had eventually made it clear from the other words he had mumbled throughout his sleep.

"Luke, You're alright" I reassured him. His head snapped round to face me, his eyes were red and puffy, his chest was heavy with breathing.

"Bonnie? Why are you here?" He asked, wiping away a tear that streamed down his cheek.

"You invited me over, last night, I slept in your bed upstairs" I laughed at his confused morning memory.

"Oh, I see" He sniffed.

"What were you dreaming about?" I asked him out of the curiosity of hearing my name. Luke hessitated for a moment before answering.

"Nothing, it really doesn't matter" He said, running his hand through his hair. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Luke, we are close enough now for me to know when something has bothered you, now what happened in your dream that made you so upset?"

"Um... y-you were, you were falling, and I tried to, I couldn't-" Luke burst into tears at this point. A regretfull reaction in my body, dared me to hug him without any second thoughts, I wrapped my arms around his crying body. He didn't pull back, or deny the hug. Instead he wrapped his strong arms around me too. Rocking us back and forth as he wept into my shoulder.

"You were falling, and I didn't catch you, I let you fall" Luke breathed into my neck.

"It was just a dream Luke" I whispered.

"But I said I would always be there for you, I could have saved you, but I didn't" His voice cracked and broke into a thousand peices. He hugged me tighter, squeezing my torso, surely leaving a bruise. But neither of us cared about the pain, it was pleasurable and needed. We had been separated for too long now we were finnaly in eachother's arms, and nothing, nothing, was going to break that.

"Luke, I still love you" My words caught me off guard. And I hated myself for saying it.

"I never stopped loving you, the day I broke us up, was the day i stopped living" Luke spoke, he kissed my neck softly. I pulled away from him to catch his diamond blue gaze.

"Ask her to be your girlfriend again for god sake!" Luke and I looked to the staircase to see a smiley Michael perched on the middle step. He gave Luke a nodd, and he turned back to me.

"So will you?" Luke whispered, biting his lip ring with antisapation.

"Ofcourse I will" I whispered, Luke's smile that had been missing for weeks was finnaly reunited with mine.

"Well, my job is done here" Michael dusted his hands and waved us off before dissapearing up the stairs.

Luke's eyes burned into mine, time became a myth as his lips joined with mine. Fireworks exploded in the pit of my stomach, his soft, gentle lips danced with mine, I savoured the feel of them, the taste, the passion that hit us like a ton of bricks. Luke pulled me down so I was now on the couch with him, our chests closing the gap between us. I lay with my stomach against his, holding myself up with my hands either side of his head. Our lips seperated, and our kiss was replaced with a smile that mirrored us both.

"You have no idea how much i've missed that" Luke chuckled.

"I have an idea" I smirked.

"Is it save to come down? I need to play GTA now or I'll die" Michael's voice filled the house.

"Bonnie, pants back on!!" Luke shouted in responce. I slapped his arm trying to hold back my laughter.

Michael came down the stairs chuckling to himself soon after.

"Jeez, glad that was a joke guys" He laughed. I turned round so my back was against Luke's stomach, our hands intertwined by my side. We watched as Michael eagerly pressed the buttons on his controller. Hours passed with me and Luke drifting in and out of light sleeps, meanwhile Michael furiously clicked at the buttons to keep his character from getting caught.

"Guys, What a night we had last night!" Two voices were heard shouting to us from the hall.

"Hazel is just, wow" Calum breathed.

"And Rose is just... Stunning" Ashton sighed.

"Um, So I take it you had fun?" Luke laughed, I could feel his body shake as he chuckled.

"Fun would be an understatement" Ashton and Calum harmonised, then looking at eachother and laughing at how much they were twinning. Michael kept his eyes glued to the screen, he pronbibly hadn't even noticed Calum and Ashton were home.

"So, have you two made up?" Ashton raised an eyebrow at me and Luke.

"No Ashton, they still hate eachother that's why they are lying together holding hands" Calum teased. Ashton sent him a cold glare, followed by a schoolgirl chuckle.

"I really hate you sometimes Cal, you are so mean to me" Ashton joked, pushing past Calum and beggining to jog upstairs.

"Ew! You touched me!" Calum whined, running upstairs after Ashton. There was a few thumps from the ceiling above us and giggles too, but nothing too major.

It had just become close to midnight, and all the boys were asleep in their own beds, all exept Luke. I had thought about going home and having to face my mum droaning on, but insisted on staying the night.

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