Chapter Three

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Before Irina could explain, the door opened. A lady on the other side. Despite that wrinkles covered the backs of her hands and face, she looked young. In her thirties or forties. Next to the door were bags stacked on top of each other. I cannot recall how many there were. More than I can count. And she was holding one. It was only her and her husband. They would be gone for a week. I wanted to ask, but did not want to be rude. So I moved it aside and smiled.

Mrs. Knight smiled back. "You must be Jashyah. What a pleasure to meet you. And who is your little friend?"

Irina stood on her tiptoes. "I am not little. And I am no friend. I am her smart sister. I want to be sure that she does not fail you. She is not the most organized."

You want them to fire me? That is what I wanted to say to the troublemaker. But not in front of Mrs. Knight. It would leave a bad impression. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly before taking her hand. I knew that she was joking, but Mrs. Knight would take it seriously.

"Do not listen to her, Mrs. Knight. Her favorite activity is embarrassing me. I promise to take excellent care of your home. If you are not content with my service, you do not have to pay me."

She put her hand on her chest. "My heart says that you will treat it as if it were your own. But I am hoping that your sister is not moving in. My husband will kill me if I bring in another roommate."

"She will keep me company during my stay." I gazed at her. "But I would like to know why she brought along a case. It is not a hotel."

Irina huffed. "My name is Irina by the way. I am a cool skater. May we come in?"

"Absolutely. I will be back. I need to put my suitcase in the car. Take a gander while you are waiting."

My sister beat me to it. "May I help?"

The expression on her face said that she was surprised. "Oh. If you do not mind. Thank you."

"I will help too," I piped in.

"Actually, you can help my husband. He is clearing out our fridge of expired food. He is probably almost done, but he can show you around."

I walked in and watched the blackness swallow them. I fiddled with my fingers as I headed to the kitchen. Has it ever felt weird being in someone's home? Or is it just me? I would make the house better than when they left it. And I would protect it from robbers. I may not be an ice skater, but I am a terrific fighter.

I entered the kitchen and flipped my hair. A young guy was bent over the fridge with a trash bag next to him. I cleared my throat and introduced myself. The husband jumped and spun around. He met my gaze and opened a drawer. He reached in - and took out a kitchen knife.

I gulped and raised my hands. "I-I will not hurt y—"

"Shut up. I will do it if you utter another peep. And you had better not move until the cops arrive."

He assumed that I was a burglar!

I spoke fast. "I am Jashyah! I am housesitting! I would never steal. Never have."

Mr. Knight lowered the knife. "You are Jashyah?"

"Yes. And my sister is with me."

"My gosh." He placed said knife back in the drawer. He shut the drawer and ran his fingers through his hair. "I deeply apologize. I have been preparing this house and packing all day and forgot that you were coming. Good thing that my gun is not on me. So embarrassing."

I lowered my arms to my sides. "All is forgiven. I know that it was not intentional."

"Yes, it was. I was about to stab you."

"It was a mistake. You mistook me for a thief."

"The police would not think so."

I changed the topic and walked to him. "Your wife said that you were throwing away expired foods."

"Yep. I do not want your family to sue us for poisoning you."

"I appreciate that. Thanks. I can help if you want."

"I only have two foods left. But I know what you can do - if you are up to the challenge."

"I am ready for anything - except an invasion."

Mr. Knight chuckled. "You see the tray on the counter? It has food. Good food."

I spotted the tray. "Found it."

"Bring the tray to our roommate. Her room is upstairs, and the door is closed. Set the tray in front of said door and knock. Then leave."

"Is she shy?"


"I know the feeling."

Careful to not drop it, I carried said tray up the stairs. I was shaking. A voice in the back of my mind whispered that this tray would slip from my hands. It was bizarre. Have you experienced something like this?

I shook my head to forget the stupid voice and reached the top of the stairs. I walked down the long hall as my eyes darted around. All the wooden doors that I passed were open. All except the last one. I stood in front of it. I wiped sweat off my forehead and put the tray down. I noticed blackness under the crack. I wondered why she did not have the light on. Maybe she was sleeping.

I began going back downstairs - when the door opened wide. I halted and watched, staying out of sight. A pale hand appeared and dragged the tray into the room. An orange from the tray was tossed out and bounced until it hit the wall on the other end. Then the door closed.

Guess that she does not like oranges.

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