Chapter Four

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Mrs. Knight and I brought out the rest of their luggage and stored them in the trunk and the backseat. I closed both back doors and wiped my forehead. Then I wiped my hands and told her that the backseat was full.

Mrs. Knight shut the trunk and smiled. "Same with the trunk. I never realized how much we are taking. It feels like that we are moving." She strolled to me and raised an eyebrow. "Irina, is it?"

I nodded and smiled back. "I am the lovely Irina."

"You certainly are lovely. Thanks for helping, Irina. My husband and I could not have done it without you."

We started back to the house.

I was skipping and swinging my arms back and forth. I was acting a toddler. "My pleasure, Mrs. Knight. Boy. I am super happy."

"Why are you happy? If you do not mind me asking."

"The ice skating competition is the day after tomorrow. Well, it is not the real competition. That is next week. I have been training every day since last month. I am an expert. The best in the family. I have been doing it ever since that I was a little girl. I dream of inspiring others. I want to make a difference with my tips and tricks. My sister was right. Fame is not everything."

Mrs. Knight held the door open. "I am happy for you. I love when children discover their talents and use them to reach to others. There is so much evil today that it is killing me."

I walked in with my hands behind me. "Would you like me to perform for you sometime? You and Mr. Knight. People rarely watch me because they are either looking at their phones or too busy with life." I sighed. "If I am being honest...Jashyah is the only one who watches."

She shut said door. "We would be honored. But it must be when we return."

"I know. I would show you some of my tricks now - but they are easier and more fun on the ice."

"Then my funny husband and I have something to look forward to when we are back home. I wish you the best of luck at the competition. You will do fantastic."

"Thank you, Mrs. Knight. I needed to hear that."

Mr. Knight walked into the room with a paper towel in his hand. He dabbed it on his sweaty face. "How many times must I tell you to not call me a funny guy?"

His wife put her hands on her waist and tilted her head to the side. "And how many times must I tell you to not eavesdrop?"

"Not my fault that you speak loud."

The Knights reminded me of my parents. Fun to spend time with and supportive of each other. I awed and sat on the couch. I crossed a leg over the other and looked for Jashyah. She was nowhere to be found.

Where could she have gone?

The Knights were black like me and my sister. It would not have shocked me if they were related to our family. They were older than our parents and had no children. I wanted to ask why they never had children, however, I did not want to be rude. Not everyone wants children because they are hard to care for. I am not sure if I will have kids.

Mr. Knight was a couple inches taller than his wife. His hair was short and black. His long-sleeved shirt was as dark as the blue skies. He also had on black slacks with matching shoes. He was ready for work or a wedding. I studied Mrs. Knight. A pink bandanna was around her head. Her hair was long and black. Her dress matched mine. A pink, sleeveless dress. Pink shoes were on her feet. She loves pink as much as I do.

"Mrs. Knight," I said. "Do you like pink?"

Her smile grew. "I adore pink. It is my favorite color."

"Me too. I love all shades of pink."

I was startled when Jashyah sat next to me. She placed her head in her hand and tossed an orange on the table and said hi to me. She was not upset. Just weirded out. I can read her face well.

I uncrossed my legs and twiddled my thumbs. "What is with the orange? You said that you were full."

"It was for the roommate, Irina."

"Oh. I forgot about the roommate."

"Mr. Knight asked me to take a snack to the roommate and leave it in front of the door. I never saw the person because I am not allowed in the room - or you."

I was disappointed. "Why not?"

"Mr. Knight did not say."

I leaped to my feet and balled my hands into fists. "Mr. and Mrs. Knight. My sister said that she is not allowed in your roommate's room. Neither of us are."

"And you want to know why," Mrs. Knight said.

I sat back on the couch and crossed my arms. "Yes. We will be living with them for a week. So we should know who we are dealing with."

They looked at each other for about a minute, and then back at us. Mrs. Knight rubbed her hands together and stepped forward. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"Our different."

"No problem. Is he or she autistic or something?"

"Not that kind of different. She is not what she seems."

"So it is a girl."

"Yep. And it is crucial that you girls never see her or go in her room."

"Why not?" Jashyah asked.

Mrs. Knight took our hands and gave us a small smile. "You will have to trust us. Last thing that we want is to be responsible for your deaths."

My eyes grew wide. I could not believe what flew out of her mouth.

"Is the roommate...a psycho?" I asked.

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