Chapter Five

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The roommate was the opposite of a psycho. Kind and respectful. Never invaded your privacy. She stayed put in her room, so I believed that. We believed them. Why would they lie to us?

My gaze moved to upstairs. Her door was at the end of the hall, so I could not see it. My hair covered my eye. I have a love-hate relationship with my hair. Sometimes, I wish to cut it off. I would not be ashamed to be bald.

I walked to the staircase and looked at the top. I played with my fingers and hoped for the roommate to appear and join us. Irina and I wanted to see her. Befriend her and show her new things. This is the only thing that we have in common. We love making friends - if we could. Nobody wants to give us a chance.

I am not shocked that I am friendless. I am not skilled. I am not an ice skater. I have yet to discover my calling and tried almost everything. Everything not pertaining to ice. Draw. Write. Cook. Act. Sing. Dance. Play sports or an instrument. You name it. I did it all. Not only did I do terrible, but I also did not enjoy them. I know that you will love something once you practice enough...but why waste time on something that you have no interest in? It will kill you. Literally. I am good at nothing. I am starting to believe that I have no purpose. I am a waste of space.

What I cannot believe is Irina being friendless too. She has zero friends despite her being one of the greatest - if not the greatest - skaters in town. She will always be the best in my book. If only she saw herself as this rare gem. She lets days go by without giving them a thought - without living in the moment - and focuses on her ice skating. Her personality is ice skating. She lives for it. I would not say that my sister is obsessed. She does take breaks here and there - but that is rare. And she hardly is tired. One time, she was up all night practicing. I did not get much sleep and argued with her. It was heated.

I jabbed my finger in her chest. "I was annoyed by your ice skating. And ice. And skating. I despise being in the ice rink because I freeze!"

Irina rolled her eyes. "Duh. It is an ice rink. You will be chilly if you do not wear the proper clothes."

"I was - and I was still freezing!"

"Not my fault that you are sensitive to the cold."

I gritted my teeth. "I have been patient with ya and the cold. I have been tolerate of ice skating and the ice and the rink and your practices and your discussions. But I am putting my foot down. I am sick of the ice skating. I thought that I would puke last night."

"You are sick of it just because you are not good. Admit it. You are jealous. Jealous of me and the family."

"How can I be jealous of someone who is inconsiderate of others?"

"Bad enough to be jealous of your family. Being jealous of an evil person is idiotic."

My heart was beating against my chest. I was no longer exhausted - because I was ticked! I had never been this furious at my sister. I figured that my head would blow off! "You! I was talking about you!"

She ran her fingers through her hair. "I am not the one jealous of my cute and beloved sister and the family."

I refused to hold back. I wanted her to know how I felt. "You were not cute or beloved when you disturbed our family's sleep last night. I have bags under my eyes!"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "I was quiet. I do not hear any other person complaining."

"Our rooms are next to each other. I heard you moving and singing and...being your annoying self."

"Maybe you could not sleep because you are so jealous. You cannot get me out of your mind."

I growled and wanted to slap her face. "Someday, I will forget you. I will forget you once you stop shoving your ice skating in my face."

I know, I know. Harsh. But she needed to be put in her place. She was a show-off. She loved reminding people how she was better than them. Better than me. She did not have to say those exact words for us to know. And I hate how people expect me to be like her. I am not her! I am Jashyah. I will make a name for myself. But it has to be something that Irina dreams of doing.

I got it! I will be someone that the world has not seen. I will be a...ghost hunter!

What am I thinking? I can never be a ghost hunter, not even a bounty hunter. Not that I am aiming to be some bounty hunter. I do not even want to be a ghost hunter because I am one bad shooter. It is impossible to teach me. I nearly shot Dad where the sun never shines - five times. I have not held a gun since. And ghosts are fake.

I would not be stunned if Irina believes in ghosts. I am unsure because she spends all her time ice skating. But I do not believe in them. I believe in the Holy Trinity. I just do not believe in ghosts. Lost spirits scare humans because they have nothing else to do in their life. Dead life. If I were a ghost, I would not frighten or haunt the living. I would use my powers for good. I would help. I would no longer be useless.

I was back on this soft couch and finishing my reading. Irina hopped down the stairs.


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