Chapter Six

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Before I tell you what I explained to my sister, I should explain what I heard. Mr. and Mrs. Knight left as I was scurrying upstairs. I could not wait to introduce myself to their roommate - now our roommate for the week. I did not want to startle this roommate, so I fast-walked down the hall to his or her room. It was behind the last door to my right. I stood in front of it and read the sign hanging on the door in my mind. In bold, red letters, it read:


Something invaded my nose. I immediately recognized the smell and gagged. I pinched my nose and lifted my fist to the door. No, no. It was not the smell of blood or a corpse. It was the smell of paint. The bright red paint was still fresh. A small drop splashed right on the tip of my shoe. I stumbled back.

"Shoot," I whispered. I was about to bend over to try to wipe off the paint when I heard soft creaking. The door opened a crack. I expected the roommate's eyes to peer out of the dark room or head to poke out. But I did not notice any signs of life. I realized that my fist remained in the air and dropped my arm. Said roommate did not speak, so I started the conversation. "Um, hi. My name is Irina. Bet that you are wondering why I am here."

I waited for the roommate's reply, but I did not receive one. I rocked back and forth on my sneakers' heels.

"Well, this is awkward," I said. "But I get it. You do not want to chat. I will leave you be." I turned and had just taken a step forward when I heard a low tone. I froze. I could not tell if it was a boy or a girl.

"What is your name again?"

I turned back to the door. "Irina. My name is Irina. My sister is the house sitter. Her name is—"

The roommate interrupted. "Jashyah. The Knights told me. I am happy that I will not be lonely in the house." I admit that he or she sounded creepy. But that does not mean that the person is.

"Why do you not open your door all the way so we may see each other face-to-face? Jashyah and I can be your friends."

Silence for about four seconds. "You want to be friends with me? But you guys know nothing about me. What I look like. My name. If I am good or bad."

I was unsure whether the roommate could see me even though that I could not see him or her. I flashed a huge smile just in case and clasped my hands together. "The only way that we will find out is if the three of us spend time together." My smile grew. It always does when my thoughts are on ice skating. "Do you like ice skating?"

"'Ice skating'?"

"Yeah. I am an ice skater. I practice almost every day. I will be auditioning to have a chance in the finals—"

The roommate cut me off again. I could tell now that it was a girl when she raised her voice. "You sound super passionate about ice skating."

"Yes. I want to be the greatest ice skater who has lived! I come from a long line of ice skaters. Sadly, Jashyah is the only one in my family who is not an ice skater. Boy, I wish that you were there when she tried for the first - and last - time." I could not contain my giggles. "Y-you would not believe how many times she fell on her butt. It ached for days."

"I bet."

I motioned to the hall. "Why do you not come out...uh, you have not told me your name."

"I will after I get a good look at you and see your sister. But first, I should freshen up. I have not stepped out of my room for weeks."

I was taken aback. "If you do not mind me asking, why have you been in your room for weeks? Did something awful happen? You do not have to tell me if you do not want to."

"I will after I meet Jashyah."

"Okay. I will inform Jashyah of the good news! See you downstairs!" I hurried down the hall and downstairs. I leaped over the last three steps. My feet hit the wooden floor. I rushed to Jashyah. She was on the couch with a book in her hands. "Jashyah!"

She gazed up at me. "What is it, sis? Do not waste your breath if it involves ice skating."

I wanted to sit next to her, but I was way too excited to sit still. "This has nothing to do with ice skating. Or ice or skating. I swear on my life."

She closed her book and set it in her lap. "Alright. I am listening."

I squealed and inched closer to her. "I can sum it up in one word. Roommate."


I nodded. "Yeah. I just went upstairs to meet the brand new roommate. It is a girl. She is pretty friendly."

"You went into her room?"

"No. I knocked on the door just like that any respectful person would. I am not a creep."

"But you are definitely a snooper."

My sister believes that I go in her bedroom without her permission. She is so secretive.

"I do not sneak around in your room. I grab whatever I need and leave. I do not have time to learn your secrets because I am up to my neck in the ice skating practices and auditions and competitions."

"This is your first audition. And if you end up as one of the finalists, you will be in your first competition."

I was startled by loud knocks at the front door. "Who is that?"

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