The 'weak link' pt.2

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Rae is left in disbelief. What type of home were you in before? She follows the group into the dining hall and sits with the other counselors. The whole time they eat she can't take her eyes off you and how out of place you look.

You are much smaller than the rest and she isn't sure how well you will be able to keep up with the tasks of the camp, especially with the twelve mile run tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile the other recruits are picking on you for your size. Not everyone can be 5'10 and up like them! You finish about half of your meal before disposing of the rest.

Your 18th birthday is tomorrow. Your dad payed extra so they would overlook your age. You didn't mind though. It would give you more discipline and responsibility.

"So how old are you, tiny?" One of the guys asks you when you get back to the bunk house. All eyes were on you.

"Uhhh..I'm 17 but I turn 18 tomorrow.." you mumble.

"Well don't be deadweight. We don't want to see you drag the rest of us down." He glares. You just nod a little and go to get into bed. Tomorrow you have to prove yourself.


At four a.m. you are woken up by the counselors coming into the bunk house. You got a decent amount of sleep and felt great.

"Put on clothes to go for a run. It's raining too so put that into consideration." Rae says. All the recruits change, you put on a sports bra, a hoodie, shorts and running shoes. You are the first one outside to line up in front of the counselors.

"Great effort number 20." Rae says with a smile. Five minutes later everyone is outside.

"Okay so you are going to do a 12 mile run up the mountain. When you reach the top we will put you in pairs. Last team down the mountain will have to do intense training. That includes burpees, push-ups, pull-ups, sprints and sit-ups for 30 minutes straight, no breaks." Daniel, a counselor says.

You all head over to the base of the mountain and start the run. Everyone is surprised with you at the start. You did cross country but the most you ever ran was six miles at once so this was a whole new can of worms.

Around the 8 mile mark you feel everything start to hurt. Your throat is burning, your shoulders feel like they are on fire, your calves feel like they will burst and you want to throw up. You are ahead of one guy but Rae runs beside you.

"How are you hanging in there?" She asks.

"I'm fine.." you breathe out. Your asthma continues to get worse but you push it to the side.

"Are you sure?" You nod and run a little faster than her to avoid talking anymore. She catches up easily. "By the way..happy birthday." She whispers.

"Thanks." You tell her. You reach mile 11 and you want to stop.

"Almost done you got this." The guy passes them and it takes 15 minutes for them to finish the mile.

"Oh my god you are such a weak link!" Shawn yells at you. You wheeze out of breath feeling your chest close. He shoves you and you already feeling dizzy, you fall down, not before hearing a crack through your ankle and pain erupting from the spot. You bite your lip and lay down on the ground trying to stop the dizziness.

"Get up!" He yells and kicks you.

"Woah woah woah! Stop!" All of the counselors yell and push him off you. You hold your ankle repeating the words "I'm sorry." Over and over.

"It's not your fault." Rae whispers and hoists you up on her back. She starts the walk with you down the mountain.

"It hurts.." you mumble into her shoulder. "I wish I wasn't so weak.."

"You aren't finished running the twelve miles. I'm so proud of you! And I know it hurts honey. Everything will be okay."

You guys make it to the infirmary, they put a cast on your ankle and let you rest. Rae stays with you the whole time to make sure you are okay. You are happy you came here because you got to meet her.


Finally a part 2!!! Love you all!


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