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AN: before you continue reading I just want to say thank you :) and I know you had to read a lot to get here but I wanted to give some background... ok have fun?


Yn walks back to Liam and smiles like nothing happened. "Amazing, will you be joining us?" Liam asks "I don't know when Adele is going to be in New York. I may not have time off from my government paying job" y/n rolls her eyes at the job she claims to love while Liam looks through his phone for the date Adele will be in NY "she'll be there the 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, and the 26. Pick a date" Liam says as she shows y/n the dates from his phone. "I'll do the 23 and 25th shows" y/n makes her pick of the days she'll attend "and the last one" yn says, making she'll also go to the last day. "great then, I'll be in contact with you to arrange Adele's stay" Liam says as he begins to walk to the house "Liam?" Y/n stops Liam and watches as he raises his brow like a concerned father "please call me if Adele's husband lays a hand in her, she doesn't look happy and I'm worried" y/n tells him. He smiles and nods "will do, drive safe y/n" Liam says. Y/n smiles and gets into the car, she back out of the drive way before and parks in the road so she can blast her music and not fall asleep though the drive back. Half way through the drive she receives a call from Adele

- phone call   -
Y- blondie you should be sleeping
A- oh for fucks sake y/n I'm a grown woman, I can go to bed when I decide
Y- you'll regret that tomorrow
A- shut up
Y- is everything ok?
A- yea it is...
Y- okay....
-silence for a good while-
A- so where in London do you live?
Y- Kensington, and you?
A- no fucking way! I have a house there too
Y- how nice
A- are you at your hotel yet?
Y- eh.. like half way there
-more silence but this time longer-
A- *soft snores*
Y- good night gorgeous , see you tomorrow...
- Ends call-

The rest of the drive was y/n humming to herself, arriving at the hotel and just removing her heels and pants before jumping into bed and falling asleep. The following morning she is woken up by her phone ringing, without looking at the contact she answers

- phone call.  -
Y- y/l/n speaking
A- oh you were still sleeping huh?
Y- no im getting coffee
A- no you aren't
Y- no im not, I was sleeping
A- you do realize it's 2 pm right?
Y- no... *checks time* yes
A- *laughs* ok im downstairs, hurry up
- ends call.  -

Y/n doesn't question why Adele was in the lobby when she was supposed to be doing yet another sound check and getting things done. She also doesn't question how Adele knows where she is staying because she's too busy running around trying to get her crap in a duffle. She throws in a crop to and some jeans and then grabs her hair clips and clips her hair back while she looks for her shoes. When she finds them she quickly ties them and then grabs her phone and duffle which had who knows what, internally y/n was hoping she had her Mac book and makeup bag, and wallet and takes the elevator down. When she reaches the lobby Liam taps his watch and nods in disappointment "we're late y/n." Y/n rolls her eyes at Liam, jokingly, and then focuses her attention to Adele. "You didn't set an alarm did you?", "I guess I didn't" Y/n chuckles and places her duffle at her feet before slouching down on the reception island and taking a deep breath. *camera click* Y/n looks up and Adele is smiling wife and taking pictures of one very tired y/n. "Seriously? Blondie you don't want to start a game you can't win" y/n laughs and pulls her phone out, she quickly opens her camera roll and hands her phone to Adele who goes through a few pictures smiling like a head over heels school girl. "Why do you have a picture of my ass?", "because I love it" y/n snatches her phone away to Adele who's laughing uncontrollably. "Come on and let's go before you're late for laughing at picture with no context" Y/n grabs he duffle and Adele hand and follows Liam to the back of the building.

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