Sangria Red and Pair Work

195 14 4

Tendou pov

I stand at the entrance of the door. Ushiwaka was taking too long to pack his things. I was getting a bit annoyed as I watching him carefully place everything into his bag and then rise from his seat only for a girl to call his name. I roll my eyes and watch as the girl approaches him the two begin to talk in low voices. I make out the girls name, l/n-san. At some point I lose my patience with the two and march over tapping Ushijima on the shoulder. 

"We've got to go U-shi-wa-ka," I say in a sing song voice. They both turn to face me and Ushiwaka nods walking over to me. 

"I'll see you tomorrow l/n-san," Ushiwaka said in a firm tone. She nodded and gave me a small glance as me and Ushiwaka left for home. Something about the girl was strange. It was like she was barely even there. 

The next morning at school I fumbled in my bag for a pencil while the teacher, at teacher mind you introduced a group assignment. I looked around the room. Me and Ushiwaka didn't have the same homeroom so it wouldn't matter who I paired up with. No one would want to either I'd most likely end up working alone. Still, my eyes scanned the room trying to find someone worth working with. No one. 

"I have all your names in here and we're going to pick partners that way since last time you got to pick your own partner it was chaos." the teacher informed fishing for two names. 

About half of the class already had partners and begun grabbing pencils and canvas. That's when my name was called. 

"Tendou Satori and l/n y/n," the teacher said. I rose from my seat looking for my partner. No where. 

"You are Wakatoshi's friend." a feminine voice said from behind me. I turn on my heals staring [up/down] at the girl. She was really pretty up close. h/c hair and e/c eyes. I paused before responding to the girl saying that I was indeed his friend. 

"Can we work somewhere not-in-the-classroom?" she asked. I nod not really caring. I sucked at drawing and therefor art class was sort of just a class for me. Not fun not dislikable either. 

The two of us head to a stairwell and sit on the ground setting everything up. The assignment was to draw something that you and your partner both loved. 

"Volleyball." I say bluntly. 

"Art." she responded. I laugh to myself and she rolls her eyes. 

"What else do you like?" I ask her. 

"Paint-" I cut her off. 

"Something besides art."

"Well in that case watching sports." she said. I smile and happy clap my hands together. 

"I like volleyball and you like watching sports. We can paint something about that." I say. My smile soon vanishes when I realize that it seems almost impossible to paint a love for sports. It seemed impossible to just paint something expressive at all. 

"Do you have any ideas on how we can get that idea on the canvas?" both of ask at the same time. I bite my lip in surprise. I was hopping that l/n would be able to be the leader in this project. 

"I have an idea but I wanted to hear your opinion first." l/n said taking a pencil and beginning to draw two circles a little above the center of the canvas. She drew them lightly so they could be erased . 

"We could paint ourselves here and then fill in the blanks with things that we like." she explained. Do to the fact that there wasn't any other ideas floating around I was drawn to his one. 

"Sure," I say. She nods and then sits down shuffling through a small bag that she had kept on her even when we left the classroom. Inside was a sketchbook. I watched silently as she flipped to the next clean page. As she did I got a glimpse of the other pages. They were small mini masterpieces. Each with hours of care and time put into them. 

"I'll see if I can draw you. Why don't you try drawing me." she suggests. I nod and rush back to the classroom to find paper. 

Something about l/n made me excited for an art project. Maybe it was the project itself or maybe it was her. I didn't know. 

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