Pistachio Green and Rose Face

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Tendou pov

Silence fell between the two of us. Realization swept over the both of us. It felt as though time itself had stopped for the moment we were having. Before I could get another word out, y/n stood up abruptly, her face bright red and her ears a dark pink almost the same shade as her cheeks. Despite the reddened facial features she was still stunning to me. 

"Sorry," she muttered and rushed off down the hallway. I blinked a few times and then shook my head with a smile painted on my face. I got up and dashed after y/n who had made it halfway to the art room already. By the time I caught up with the frantic and embarrassed girl she had stopped to catch her breath and was leaning against the art room door. 

"What was that about f/n-chan?" I ask purposely using her first name. Her eyes darted passed me to either side trying to find somewhere to look other then me. I laughed seeing her so flustered. Her eyes narrowed and she turned her head reluctantly towards me. 

"I'm sorry for calling you by your given name. It was-" I stopped her by walking up to her gently flicking her forehead and pushing the art room door open. 

"It's fine, in fact f/n-chan, I rather like it when you call me that." I say walking casually into the art room to get another pencil. The lame excuse I had on randomly walking into the room. 

The rest of the day we worked in silence with occasional smiles exchanged between the two of us. At the end of the class period she had finished a really good sketch of me and I had begun my decent and passable sketch of her. I didn't catch her wonderful smile, it wasn't a smile that could be captured like a bird in a cage. Her smile had to roam free. 

I had volleyball after school today and had to race from the art room when school let out. To my surprise f/n followed me to the gym. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask when I realized that she had followed me the whole way. y/n said nothing and just headed to the bleachers where she sat and smiled to herself. When Ushiwaka arrived he noticed y/n and then looked to me with a look on his face. I shrugged and offered a small smirk. He returned my gesture with a small huff and a powerful serve nearly taking my arms off. I rolled my eyes and sighed sending him a serve back as the two of us waited for the other club members. 

When practice was over I packed my things with Ushiwaka and watched in amusement as y/n hopped down from the bleachers skipping the last two deciding to just jump. Before she reached me and Ushiwaka. Ushiwaka turned to me with a very serious straight face. 

"Don't break her heart." and that was it. Y/n came over to the two of us and we left for home. When I reached my house I headed to my room falling on the bed my face finally sprouting into a red rose. The idea of someone other then Ushiwaka and my parents addressing me by my given name was insane and yet y/n had done so. She's just so cute! I turn over on my bed staring at the ceiling going over the days events. 

For the rest of the evening after I finished my homework I grabbed a pencil and paper beginning to make rough sketches of y/n each one looking better then the last. By the time I was beginning to yawn my drawings were looking almost exactly like her, as if I had captured her beauty onto a piece of paper.

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