Tiger Orange and Second Friend

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Tendou pov

After school I had officially given up on trying to draw y/n. It's not like I suck at drawing I just suck at drawing people. When I tried showing y/n the drawing of her I had made at the end of the class she puffed her cheeks out trying to hide a smile. A slightly mocking smile. I gently flicked her head and she stopped turning to me and flipping to another page. 

"Just try again tomorrow." she said. I nodded and glanced at her drawing of me. It was decent but she hadn't gotten to my hair and I looked like a bald evil version of myself. I didn't hold back my own laugh and she began to laugh along with me. While we were cleaning up in the art room Ushiwaka entered the room staring blankly at the both of us. 

y/n turned and froze staring at him as if he were a ghost. He walked over to y/n and stared at her. I didn't say anything just confused. I know that Ushiwaka isn't the best at speaking with others and communicating but this was just  down right weird. y/n was the first to break the weird silence. 

"Hello Wakatoshi." she said as casually as she could with the odd pressure in the room. Ushiwaka nodded and patted her head then turned to me. 

"How do you know y/n?" he asked. I shrug and say that we're in the same class and were assigned the same project. He nodded and then that was it, the odd pressure was gone and everything seemed normal. y/n gathered her things and waved goodbye to the two of us. Her smile was so cute. 

Me and Ushiwaka continued our normal walk home and as usual I carried the majority of the conversation. The question about y/n nagged me and I tried to hold off from asking but when silence grew between us and I just had to ask him. 

"What was that whole thing about y/n?" I ask. He pauses for a few seconds and then takes a deep breath and answers. 

"That's y/n's second friend." he said in a slightly less calm voice then usual. I narrow my eyes and look up at the sky. The sun had already set but it was still a bit light outside. 

"What do you mean U-shi-wa-ka." I say making his name sound all weird. But then again what is weird?

"y/n has trouble speaking with people and she barely has any friends. She only ever hangs around me and now, she's been paired with you." he says. 

"Oh, I didn't know that, she seemed fine to me." I say and then smiling I add,

"Way better then how you socialize with others," I smile. He nods and we continue walking home. 


The next day at school I watch y/n closely. She really has no other friends. During breaks she just stays at her desk and during lunch she sits at a crowed table but no one pays attention to her and she doesn't make any move to have a conversation. Ushiwaka was right, I'm her second friend. I'll be an amazing second friend. The best second friend there ever was. 

When art class starts we go to the same place as the day before and get settled comfortable next to each other sketching each other. I kept getting her lips and nose wrong. I guess I didn't realize it but I was humming to myself the whole time. I sighed and stopped humming and drawing tossing my pencil a few feet away from me. y/n looked up. 

"What's wrong Tendou-san?" she asked. I shrug and point to the drawing of her. Eraser marks all over the place, covering the sheet of paper.

"I can't draw mouths and noses help!" I complain loudly. A teacher from the closest classroom stepped out of the room and yelled at me to be quiet. When the teacher was gone y/n burst out laughing taking the drawing and flipping to the next page. 

"Get your pencil Tendou," she said smiling and shaking her head. I shrug and grab it going over to her. 

"Here, let me teach you how to draw then."

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