Chapter 3: Warning

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE TRIED TO PERMANENTLY STRIP AWAY THEIR ELEMENTAL POWERS?!" Jay screamed at the top of his lungs, his voice and the others' loud gasps echoing throughout the room.

"Our powers are a part of us, they can't be stolen, at least not permanently!" Nya argued while glancing wide eyed at everyone.

"H-How is that even possible?!" Lloyd shakily added on in utter shock.

"I-I'm not sure..., but it had something to do with that book he had," Misako worriedly told them.

"Wait, so what's stopping them from taking our powers away right now?" Nya questioned.

"Yeah, why wouldn't they have just used the book on us as soon as they found it?" Jay inputted, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know," Misako replied then turned her attention back to the book.

"Let's see what's on the next page," she told the group while flipping the page.

She took a minute to translate the ancient Ninjago language in her mind before she read the page out loud.

"While I never got a chance to thoroughly inspect and look through the writing in his spell book, Sorcerer Valdorous told me many stories about his adventures."

"He told me how he brought back armies from other realms, as well as banished his enemies into other realms. Not only that, but he mentioned that at times, he could even control anyone around him, possessing them to do anything he wished. These were the kinds of things I could only imagine that spell book aided him the power to do."

"Wait wait wait! So... whoever has that book can not only take our powers away forever, but also bring people back from other realms, banish them to other realms, and can possess people?!" Nya exclaimed what the group was all thinking.

"I believe so," Miskako sighed worriedly, her and Wu sharing a concerned glance.

"Uh, does anyone think that all of those spells sound concerning?" Jay asked, glancing to the others.

"Yeah, they all sound very concerning to me," Lloyd replied with a shiver.

His gaze immediately shifted down to the ground as his mind replayed his father's sacrifice, when he was banished to the cursed realm. That was all because Chen took all of their elemental powers and made an army of Ancondri.

If this spell book could banish people to other realms, plus do all those other things, there was no telling what this new threat could do... or who else he might lose.

"Does it say anything else, Misako?" Wu asked to refocus the group, which snapped Lloyd out of his anxious thoughts.

After another minute of reading the current page, Misako flipped the page again and read some more.

"Here," she pointed to the slightly faded writing on the page, "I believe this may be why they haven't attempted to take your powers yet."

"Well, what does it say?!" Jay eagerly asked as they all crowded around to get a closer look at the book.

"However, I began to notice a pattern in the stories he told. Everything he had done with the aid of that book happened at night, particularly on nights with the full moon. That's when I realized that the full moon's light is what gave his book the power he needed to perform all those advanced spells," Misako read out loud.

"So, in order to actually use the spells in the book, it has to be a full moon?" Nya asked to clarify.

"I believe so," Misako confirmed.

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