Chapter 6: An Emotional Reunion

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The drive to the Sakganka village in the Blackwood Forest was long and quiet.

As he drove the dark green sports car, Lloyd thought about asking Master Wu more questions about Morro's family. He had so many fears, worries, and unanswered questions. However, he decided it would be best not to bother Wu, since he seemed stressed enough about this situation already. Instead, he anxiously drove in silence, neither him nor Wu saying a word.

It felt like it had been hours already, when Lloyd looked down at the digital map in the center of the two front seats, noticing the little green dot marking their destination was in view.

"We're almost there," Lloyd noted out loud.

"We will need to park the car just outside of the village, so we don't draw any attention to ourselves," Wu told him, keeping his gaze forward.

"Ok," Lloyd replied. Then he continued driving until they went up a small hill that was just outside the village.

"You have arrived at your destination... Sakganka Village," Pixal's automated voice told them.

With that, Lloyd skidded the car to a stop inside the forest surrounding the village. Fortunately, the dark green color of the car made it easy to blend in with the trees. Well, for the exception of the golden letters spelling out Ninja Go on the side.

After turning the car off, Lloyd gazed up through the trees at what he could see of the village.

From what he could tell, its layout was like any typical Ninjago village. Most of the buildings were a lightish gray shade of blue with very dark blue roofs. A few village kids were playing in its paved dirt streets while other groups of people were walking around. None of them wore anything fancy, just simple village attire.

"Is that the village?" Lloyd turned his gaze to ask Wu, who just kept staring through the trees.

"Yes. That is where we will find Mira, Ben and..." he trailed off.

Lloyd raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what else he was going to say. Perhaps he was talking about their daughter. Then he gazed back up through the trees, his heart pounding. However he wasn't entirely anxious. As he stared at the village, he felt a slightly curious feeling.

"Are you coming Lloyd?" Wu asked. Lloyd blinked out of his stare, realizing he had zoned out and that Wu was already out of the car.

"Oh uhh yeah! I-I'm coming," he nervously replied while hopping out of the car, rushing to Wu's side.

For a moment, the two just stood there, staring through the trees at the village, each feeling their own anxiousness about what would come next.

After a few seconds, Lloyd gazed over at Wu with concern, noticing how tense and nervous he looked.

"It'll be ok, master," Lloyd reassured him while placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It's just... been so long since I last saw Mira or Ben...," Wu sighed, "and then... what happened to Morro...," he squinted his eyes shut.

"And everything else...," he whispered so quietly that Lloyd barely heard him say it.

"Well, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you again," Lloyd enthusiastically told him, trying to make him feel better.

"I hope so," he stated.

"So, should we get going then?" Lloyd asked after a few more seconds of silence.

"Yes I suppose we should. There's no point in dragging out the inevitable," he mumbled.

With that, the two silently walked through the forest. They didn't have to walk very far before the line of trees ended and the village began. The first thing they noticed where that there were a lot more people out and about in the street than Wu or Lloyd had intended.

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