Chapter 4: Backstory

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The ninja and Pixal were absolutely speechless. They were frozen in shock. All the color drained from their faces, especially Lloyd's.

"The master of wind."

Wu's words went on repeat in his mind. Those words alone forced all the painful memories of when the last master of wind, Morro, had possessed him to resurface. All at once they seemed to overflow through his mind. He couldn't even stop it he was so shocked.

Instead, Lloyd just watched the memories go by, shivering as he felt Morro's possession over his body. That cold powerless, helpless feeling... having no control of his own body, of his own actions.

Kai almost immediately noticed Lloyd's tenseness, wide eyes, and quickening breaths. His gaze softened into sympathy. Gently, he placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

At his touch, Lloyd snapped out of the memories. The two shared a silent look of fear, yet Kai's light brown eyes seemed to say, "Don't worry. I'll protect you."

"The master of wind... as in the master of wind... after Morro?" Jay stuttered, being the first to recover from the shock.

"Yes...," Wu quietly sighed. He turned his back to the ninja, pacing a few steps away from the group.

"Since Morro is... g-gone," his voice softened at the memory, "his elemental power must've found a new host."

"But how would we even find out who has his power now?" Nya asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, since Morro didn't have any family, his power could have gone to anyone and we can't exactly just go knock on every door in Ninjago and ask, "Oh hey do you happen to have any wind powers by any chance?"" Cole exaggerated.

Wu stayed silent for a few more seconds, deep in thought. He knew he had to tell them the truth..., yet he had kept it hidden for so long... kept them hidden for so long... They were safe, but now...

Wu defeatedly sighed. Slowly, he turned around to meet his students' eyes, a look of regret in his own.

"No... You are wrong," he reluctantly told them. 

The ninja team just raised their eyebrows in confusion.

"Wrong about what?" Kai asked for the group.

"Morro he... he...," once again Wu let out a sigh, "he did have family."

"What?!" Immediately, all six ninja and Pixal gasped, their eyes widened at this new information.

"B-But I thought you found him as an orphan...," Zane questioned.

Wu let out a long sigh, dropping his gaze to the ground.

"It... It's a long story..., one we do not have time for right now," he uneasily explained, once again turning his back to them.

"But Master, whoever has Morro's powers now could be in danger just like the rest of us," Nya reminded him with concern.

"I am aware of this," Wu slightly snapped, making the others flinch back.

A tense silence consumed the next few minutes. Once again, the ninja and Pixal exchanged worried glances, soon all looking over to Lloyd. He tried his best to give them a look that showed he was ok, even though he was still really freaking out.

"So... Master Wu...," Cole nervously started, "how are we going to find this new master of wind?"

"If you know Morro had family, then do you have any idea who in his family might have gotten his power?" Jay curiously added on.

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