Chapter 7: A New Journey

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"Everything will be ok Ry," Wu sympathetically told her while placing a hand on her shoulder.

It sure didn't seem that way to Ry, but she knew this was the way it had to be.

"Will I ever get to see my family again?" she sorrowfully asked him.

For a moment, Wu glanced over to Ry's family, who were all heading back inside their home. The last person to enter was Mira, who slowly waved good-bye to her Sensei and daughter before disappearing through the doorway.

"I know you will," Wu told her, while meeting her gaze again.

"O-ok...," she mumbled while wiping her eyes.

Be strong Ry. Everything is going to be fine.

"Now we really should get go-"

"Is that the green ninja?!" a little boy's voice interrupted Wu.

"And that looks like Master Wu!" a little girl's voice imputed.

Immediately Wu, Lloyd, and Ry all tensed up and turned towards the voices. That's when they saw a group of wide eyed children staring back at them from just a few feet away.

"It is them!" another little boy exclaimed.

Suddenly all that children started running towards Wu, Lloyd, and Ry.

"Oh great," Lloyd muttered. He quickly braced for the children to barrel him with questions about being a ninja, which usually he didn't really mind, but today was different, way different.

"Remind me why we just walked out here in the middle of the village knowing that this would happen?!" Lloyd sternly whisper exclaimed to Wu.

"We need to get out of here," Wu told Lloyd and Ry, but it was too late. The swarm of children were already surrounding them.

"It is them!" a boy with dark hair and thin framed glasses over his dull green eyes exclaimed.

Immediately the children continued to talk over each other, piling on question over question. Meanwhile Ry tried to hid behind Wu and Lloyd. They didn't know what to do.

"Ok, ok children," Wu started, making them all quiet down. "We're on a very important mission right now."

"What's the mission?!" a short girl with blue eyes and red hair asked.

"I wanna help!" a boy who looked like the girl's twin exclaimed.

"Me too!" a boy with brown eyes and dark hair excitedly added in.

"Actually, we're uhh... done with the mission," Lloyd cautiously told them, not wanting to hurt their feelings. "Now we just need to get home."

"Awwwww," the crowd of children sighed.

"But, perhaps we will see you all again sometime," Wu stated.

"YAY!" the children exclaimed while jumping up and down excitedly.

Ry couldn't help but smile at their excitement. She had seen the children around quite often and knew how big of ninja fans they were.

"Wait a second!" a blond boy exclaimed, making the other children quiet down.

"What's she doing with you?!" the boy asked while pointing behind Wu and Lloyd. Ry immediately tensed up as the two moved to the side to face her.

"Wait! Ry?!" the red headed girl exclaimed in disbelief.

"Uhh h-hey," Ry nervously stuttered with a slight wave.

"Why are you with the green ninja and Master Wu?" a girl with short brown hair asked, tilting her head slightly.

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