I x fucked x up

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There was a knock on my door. "Y/n, can I come in" Chrollo said. "Yes, come in" I said mentally preparing myself. "So, I'm going to say it and get it over with. I wanted to fuck him, so I did, that's all. I mean look at him, you look at him like I do so there is no need to be mad, I know how you get when your mad." I looked at him and just busted out laughing. He looked at me so confused and just sat there. "Sorry, but I don't care what you do with your "little buddy", it just caught me by surprise", I said. " First off, nothing is little about my buddy, and I'm sorry that you had to see that, but you wish it was you","  I'm going to fucking kill you." I yelled. Chrollo running like the flash out of my room.
{time skip}
"Ok, guys gather round" Chrollo said, we all gather and listen for my brother next words. " there is another party going on before the York new auction. And we need to get one last thing. What do we need you may ask, one last invite, Y/n you can not come on this mission, you are valuable asset to us. Hisoka stay with her so she won't leave knowing her, and that's all, go get ready." I rolled my eyes at me not going but me alone with Hisoka this will be fun. ~Hey, darling, aren't you glad you get to stay with me all night~ "it depends are you going to show me a good time". ~Better then a good time, a pleasurable time if you will~. Oh shit I'm not walking tomorrow. "Ok that's all." "Y/n, can you stay back for a second", "what do you want." "I want you to stay here because I need you to do some "background checks" on the host of the auction, ok." "Ok that's cool with me". I walked to my room and got to work. On my laptop I look up all the auctioneer and found out all about their families. I sent the email to Chrollo and went to go get something to drink. As I'm walking out my room I see Hisoka waiting by my door. "Why are you outside my door", "I'm waiting for you I wanted to cook you dinner". Cool me dinner no man has ever cooked me dinner not even my father. "You can cook", "of course I can, does Chrollo not know how to cook". "No, he can't I always cooked for him or our mom did", "that's why when it's his turn to cook he says I'm busy, or let's eat out". "Yes, that could be the case, anyway what are you cooking". "You'll see", he said with a smirk on his face. He grabbed my hand and rushed me to the kitchen. All of a sudden he picks me up and sits me on the counter. "Stay here and watch", he said and went to prepare the food for us. As he was cooking I focus my eyes on his every move. The way his mussels move under the fluorescent lights flexing with each move he made. "Y/n, I feel you staring at me, what's the matter". "It's just I never seen you so relaxed", "well I have no reason to on high alert, your not going to kill me are you". I laughed and smile at him. He started walking closer to me he had this deep lusty look and can I just say it was really turning me on. "She may not kill you, but I will" a mysterious voice said across the room. "Who's there", you'll know soon enough y/n" the person said. The next thing I knew I was grabbed by the person. Hisoka tried to get me back but the person ran out of the hideout. I was thrown in a car. "I've been waiting for you y/n"," who are you?" "Just know y/n, I'm worst nightmare". The next thing I knew I was injected with an unknown substance, I soon felt drowsy and looked out the window of the car. The person that dragged me out ran out of the house and got in the car with us. "Is it done", "yes just press the button". And so they did and when the button was pressed the hideout went up in flames. "Hisoka" I said as we drove off and I soon went to sleep with one thing on my mind. Hisoka.
{time skip}
I woke up in a strange and cold place it felt familiar. I was tied up in a chair and as I awoke and lift my head up, I really do see my worst nightmare. "Good your awake y/n, we have a lot to discuss". "Oh fucking hell", "hell is right, pumpkin". "What do you want?" "I want you to suffer you bitch", he says and slaps me across the face. HARD. "You left me in the middle of no where and said "fuck off" and drove away asshole" I said and with deep hate in his eyes he said "you slept with my sister and my best friend, how could I not let you go". "Because, you know why I did". I said. "God that fucking mouth" he said. "Yon miss it don't you" I state looking him in the eyes. "Your trouble pumpkin" he said. Back at you Ch-

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