Ms. Stone

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Marcie felt a buzz of excitement rumble through her as soon as the announcement finished. But, it was also rooted with something else.. Something that felt a little bit like dread? Marcie shook the feeling off and pressed her face against the window, greedy to get another glimpse of her soon to be home for the next year. Ann too, had her hands pressed on the glass window, her breath fogging it up. She quickly used the sleeve of the St. Hared's uniform to wipe it off, and as she continued to look at the school, Ann's mouth dropped in awe. "Holy-.." Ann gasped. "It's ginormous!"
"Even in the pictures it looked smaller!" Marcie exclaimed.  Ann nodded her head in agreement. From behind Ann's seat, Peyton's head popped up, making Ann and Marcie jump.

"Do you guys see this? We'll literally be staying in a mansion for a year! I wonder what our dorms will look like?" Peyton said, a grin spread across her face.

"WHO ARE YOU?"  Ann stuttered. She looked at Marcie in alarm with wide eyes, but all Marcie gave her was a small smile and a nod, gesturing that Peyton wasn't a complete stranger.

"Hey, I'm Peyton," said Peyton, obviously trying to calm Ann down. She stuck out her hand, and cautiously Ann reached up and shook it.

"O-okay, uhm, are you going to St. Hared's?" Ann blurted out, and immediately Marcie could spot some regret in her eyes. "Oh god, never mind, sorry. You're obviously wearing the uniform-"

Peyton failed at stifling a giggle, "It's alright! Don't apologize!"

Soon, the Conductor yelled to stand up and carefully take out our baggage. "I don't need you lot scratching up my train!" He had added for extra measures. The three girls looked at eachother for a moment, swirling emotions spiking in their eyes. Finally, they stood up and unhooked the overhead cabins and attempted to grab their suitcases. Marcie opened hers and her heavy bag came hurling down on her, and her posture crumpled as she struggled to catch it. "Oof-"

Ann and Peyton shared the same wince, and rushed to help her back up. "Girl, you okay?" Peyton asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mhm, yeah..," Marcie Said, her voice strained as she set down her bag, popped out the handle and turned to the girls. "C'mon, let's go!"

Peyton smiled. Ann nodded, but her hands were nervously fidgeting wtich eachother, and as soon as Marcie looked at her, she dropped her hands down to her sides, balled up in fists. Marcie turned back to the front of the train, her hopes held high as she began to hurry towards the front exit. The steps were somehow a little steep, but Peyton pushed forwards and crossed down them with ease, allthough she had the largest baggage out of the three. Marcie tried following in her footsteps, and made it down safely. Ann on the other hand, was struggling holding up the hefty bagpack in her arms, and as Peyton and Marcie swiftly grabbed a hold of one end, steadying it, she let out a sigh of relief. 

As Ann settled on the concrete pavement of the railway, Marcie took this as her chance to get a good look around. The grass was covered in a pale frost that crunched satisfyingly as the rest of the students walked on it. Speaking of the students, there were. So. Many. People.

Peyton took a deep breath as her gaze bounced off the station. "Man, is it crowded."

As Marcie started to nod,  but something rammed into her back, sending her face first to the cracked pavement. She squealed and instinctively stuck her hands out in front of her, but it was no use. Marcie crashed to the ground half on her side and half on her stomach, and as her eyes widened, she tried to breath but with no avail. Beside her she saw Ann drop to her knees and help Marcie stumble to her feet as she heard Peyton scold whatever had pushed her.

After what seemed like eternity, Marcie' lungs finally filled with air and she pushed herself up, shaking. She winced as she felt her ribcage. Shoot. Thats probably gonna leave a bruise.  "What the heck was tha-" Marcie began, but as she spun around she paused.

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