Just Met You

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"Boys and girls, settle down, settle down!" Ms. Stone said sternly. After a few moments of gazing around the room at the anxious students, she added, "It seems the news from this morning has spread around your corridors. No one will be speaking of that anymore. Because that is in the past. We are focusing on the future. On that note, here comes your food."

And as if on cue, staff came streaming through the opening of the Hall, each carrying one large platter that was so large, they had to carry it with both hands. Quite a handful of them looked slightly aggravated, perhaps wondering how they  got stuck carrying in food to greedy little students.  Maybe not so little. Now that Marcie had a chance to look around, every 13, 14 year old  was Marcie's size, many even larger.  Shaking away that thought from her head, she realized that a staff member had came by their section of the table with food and pitchers of water, and had placed them down, now dispersing among the others. Suddenly, the hall erupted with students voices, startling Marcie.

Glancing up, she saw Jonas talking to someone in his group and Peyton talking to a light-skinned girl with dark brown, straight hair and hazel eyes. I wonder who she is?  Marcie thought to herself.  Despite her curiosity, she refused asking. When Marcie turned around to face forward, to her shock, she saw the boy with the scarf from before, facing right at her. She let out a small squeak of surprise and averted her eyes. 

But, surprisingly, he just smiled, not a smug smile like Jonas, but genuinely nice, like saying "Hey, you! I'm an awesome dude!" And you know what? Maybe he was just a nice person.

Pulling herself away from what seemed like an endless chain of thoughts, and looked up. "Hi-" she began. "I'm Marcie. Who are you?"

"Matt. Short for Matthew." He said. Suddenly, the sound of harsh wind outside swept through the Hall, and following almost immediately, a loud crash, and the sound of glass raining down onto the hard floor. Marcie's head snapped up, instinctively trying to find the source.  Great. Just met you and things are going wrong. Screams echoed from every table, and out of the corner of her eye, Marcie saw multiple people rushing away from the front of the room, which happened to be where Marcie's table was. 

One of the frosted windows had a large, cracking hole high above their table. Instantly, Marcie regretted looking upwards. She tried to shift her gaze as quickly as possible, but it was no use, shards still falling zipped around her and the rest of people at the table, and Marcie suddenly felt intense a stinging feeling on her cheek, as if she had been slapped. Her hand jolted upwards to her jawline and grazed a sharp piece of broken glass stuck in her skin. The scratch felt hot, and she felt the warm drops of blood trickling down her chin. Thankfully, the raining glass had stopped coming down, and Marcie could look up. She pushed away the feeling of the pain and nausea, and rushed to check on her friends, as well as the people in her group. Peyton beat her to it. "Is everyone okay?"

Peyton's gaze travelled from the girl she had just been talking to, all the way to Marcie. Her eyes widened. "Marcie! Your cheek-" She was cut off by a sound that seemed like ice cracking. 

"Get under the table!" Aubrey yelled, just as the cracking felt like it had gone to the next level. As if commanded, the one window fell apart, and just like that, the waterfall of glass began again. Finally, Marcie looked around, and realized every person was under the tables. As fast as she could, Marcie grabbed the wooden table ledge and swept herself under, just as the glass plane hit the floor.

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