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 Marcie wandered aimlessly down the corridors of St. Hareds, no real clue where she was going, no idea what she was trying to do. The more and more she thought of it, it was stupid. But could it have been that bad? Marcie had an idea of how impulsive she could be, but surely it wasn't enough to insult or worry others. It's my problem, She thought bitterly. Not theirs.  But perhaps they were just trying to watch out for her, being friends and all. But does that really mean friends?
Biting her lip, quite clearly confused and a touch aggravated, Marcie's head snapped up as she took a sharp turn to the right, finding herself in yet another dreary stone hallway.  Maybe I'll get lost, and I won't be able to find my way back. Marcie rolled her eyes. That would be the best scenario here.

Quite truthfully, it had been a little embarrassing being called out like that. Humiliating. Marcie thought darkly. Sighing, she took another quick turn around a corner and suddenly found herself rushing, face down to the wooden floor quicker than she could've reacted. As swiftly as she could, Marcie tried to shift her body, mid air so that she'd land on her side. She didn't have the faintest clue why, but she tried it anyway, feeling as if it was a familiar escape. And just like that, her body crushed against the hardwood floor, an immediate discomfort spreading through her shoulder, followed quickly by a pang of pain. Marcie felt the impact had hurt more than it should've. Her breaths came in ragged gasps through bared teeth, her eyes squeezed shut. Blinking them open slowly, Marcie pushed herself upwards and tried to steady herself as quickly as she could. When she was finally up and feeling not so shocked, she heard a sort of squeak, followed by what sounded like scratching against a wall. Confused, she headed towards where she had first heard it and was even more confused when the hallway was just a dead-end, nothing but a dusty old window, the glass plane opened and wind blowing...

Wait a minute. Marcie thought suddenly, frozen in place. Ms. Stone already said all windows should be closed at all times due to the upcoming winter season. Why is that one- open? 

                                              .                          .                         .

 Slowly and carefully, Marcie treaded carefully over to the window, hearing another scratching from outside. Impulsively, she jogged over, leaning over the edge, her knuckles clasped tightly on the sill, peering from side to side. Nothing. There was a gasp. It took Marcie a few seconds to realize it wasn't her.

Her head snapped downwards, and her eyes widened.  Hanging from under the window frame was a girl, about Marcie's age. With a jolt, she recognized her as the girl Peyton had been talking to, right before the windows crashed.  "What are you doing!" Marcie stuttered, breathing raggedly, saying this more as a statement than a question. 

"Uhm, hi-" She said awkwardly, raising her hand to wave instinctively, not realizing she was still hanging from the wooden sill, which was creaking under both Marcie and the girl's weight. The girl shrieked, swiftly falling backward, her dark brown hair covering her face as the air swept around her. Marcie stuck out her hands, her palms open, ready to grab the girl's shoulders, and hoped that she wasn't too late. She closed her eyes, which probably wasn't the very best idea, and closed her hands into fists mid-air, and for a moment, her heart sunk. 

But then Marcie realized she was grabbing what seemed to be a piece of clothing and a weight that was pulling her body down. She blinked her eyes open and almost jumped with joy at the sight of the girl still there, suspended by Marcie holding her and her shoelace caught on the curve of a brick. Relief flooded through Marcie like a fresh breath of air, or the crisp wind washing over her. With great effort, Marcie hauled the girl up by the folds of her clothing, pulling her over the sill of the window and dragging her onto the hardwood floor, a big thunk sounded throughout the hallway, making Marcie cringe. What if Ms. Stone heard that?  She gulped.

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