Foggy Windows

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As soon as the tall doors of their dorm opened, everyone except the headmistress flinched. There wasn't something that jumped out at them, clawed at them or attacked them, but the room itself was... not what Marcie had expected. Four beds in dull covers were placed with one in each corner of the room, each one having a small wooden nightstand positioned beside them.  To the left of the nightstands were small wardrobes with dusty mirrors standing on top of them, their condition looking like they might break the moment you lay a hand on them. Grey wallpaper was peeling off the tips of the walls, leaving the bare wood open to the eye. On the one, empty wall in the entire room stood a tall window with cushions laced in its large sill. Frankly, Marcie thought it was the best thing in the room, despite the wear and tear at the edges of the pillows and the thin mattress covered in holes. The girls stood there for a moment, staring at the dorm. Ms. Stone tapped her foot impatiently. "Now, children, get settled in and come out when you're ready.  Mrs. Abboud will be waiting at the end of the corridor,"She said, sighing, "You must hurry, because you're quite behind." 

Everyone nodded and hurried inside, and the tall frosted doors slammed behind them. For a few moments, everyone stared at each other, but Aubrey was the first to break the silence. "I call this bed!" She exclaimed, somewhat wearily, and flopped on to one of the beds close to the window. 

Marcie followed her lead, taking the bed on the other side of the window. "Then this is mine!" Ann sprang onto another, while Peyton shrugged and collapsed onto the last one left. 

"Eh. I wanted this one anyway," Peyton exclaimed, hauling up her heavy bag onto the duvet of the bed. With that, everyone began to throw open their bags and spraul everything onto the beds. Ann neatly tucked everything away into her wardrobe, while Aubrey picked them up and literally dropped them into the drawers, shaking out her backpack. Marcie sighed. For her, the worst part of a trip was unpacking. But, she decided to just do it anyway. Halfway through the process of folding, there was a loud knock on the door and she panicked shoving everything into the drawers and slamming them closed. Peyton was already at the door, throwing it open. Every girl turned to the frosted door, frozen. A fair woman with dark red hair dangling around her shoulders stood there. 

"Ladies. You're late." The teacher stared at them expectantly, her hands held behind her back. 

This must be Mrs. Abboud...  Marcie thought to herself. "Sorry.." Peyton muttered.

Mrs. Abboud stood still for a few seconds then relaxed and backed away from the doorway, gesturing for them to follow. "Single file, please." 

They did as they were told. Marcie in front, then Peyton, Aubrey and Ann. Mrs. Abboud's long hair bounced around in waves as she moved, like flames dancing. Marcie glanced behind her, catching sight of Ann's face, which was now twisted with worry, not at all how she had looked in the dorms. 

A sharp pain erupted in Marcie's back, and she gasped, her head immediately spinning around. Peyton stood with her elbow out, and she made a quick aggressive gesture to the very end of the corridor. Marcie quickly spun to see what was so important,  and was shocked to see every single student and teacher standing in what Marcie thought was the biggest room she had seen in her life. This has to be the Main Hall.  Marcie thought, and continued to study it in awe. Towering windows were positioned on the grand stony walls, with giant, sparkling chandeliers roped to the high roof. Wooden, polished tables were lined up neatly towards the front of the hall, and as Marcie and her group neared closer, she realized there were no walls separating the main hall from the outside corridors, it was only tall stone pillars. Where the windows were was the only walls there. Around the end of the hall were long couches, on which most students were sitting on. Marcie recognized Jonas from before with his group of cronies lounging around on them, snickering, and from Aubrey's sudden scowl, she thought she must have noticed him too. 

Mrs. Abboud led them nearer and nearer to the couches, and came to an abrupt stop, spinning on her heels to face the front of the room, identically to how the other teachers were. The girls had no choice but to collapse onto the couch opposite from Aubrey's brother so they were facing each other. Jonas slowly turned around to face them, his crowd suddenly silent. His gaze traveled from Aubrey to Ann, his face completely blank. It seemed as if the entire hall's chattering had grown quieter. "Well, hello. I don't think we were properly introduced." Jonas said, a smug smile curving at his lips. Ann turned beet red.

"I- uh, I-" She mumbled. Marcie felt a pang of frustration towards him.

"Shut up," Aubrey and Marcie said, almost in sync. They looked at each other a little startled, and when Marcie glanced back to Jonas, he had a little wave of shock that passed as quickly as it had came, soon replaced with the same smile as he leaned back onto the chair, his arms crossed. 

"Well then," He began. "I don't think I caught your name, either." 

"It's Marcie," She replied cooly, refusing to give him any reaction. She settled a harsh gaze on him. 

Someone snickered behind Jonas. "Marcie.." He said thoughtfully. "Alright."

"What is it? Do you not know how names work? Do you want someone to help you?" Peyton snapped. "Here, I'll show you how it feels." Peyton brushed her long braid over her shoulder  as she walked over to Jonas so quickly he didn't have time to register it before she used on finger to tilt up his chin, bending over a little. "What's your name?" she said, suddenly looking soft as she batted her eyelashes. 

Jonas looked suddenly flushed, frozen in place. Peyton used her finger that held his chin  and snapped his head to the side, not too hard, but enough to shock someone. She straightened upright and pushed her dark braid onto her back, walking away and plunking down onto the couch. Jonas's hands shot up to his neck, his expression pure rage.  Aubrey let out a loud laugh, her hands on her knees as Marcie giggled too. Just as he opened his mouth to retort something back at them when Ms. Stone's loud voice boomed through a speaker. 

"Boys and girls! Quiet down immediately," She snapped. The entire hall went silent. From the other side of the room, Ms. Stone flattened her short skirt and stood up straight. "That's more like it. I would like you all to look around the room, and find the teacher who brought you to the Main Hall-" She paused, and on cue every kid looked around instinctively. Marcie's gaze locked on Mrs. Abboud, and she was surprised when the teacher looked straight back at her, holding her gaze. Marcie inwardly shrieked, and was relieved when Ms. Stone Began to speak again. "Now that you have found them, remember, everyday at eight 'o clock, you will leave your dorm rooms and head to the end of the hallway to find them there.  Right now, we will begin the tour."

Her heels were easy to hear as she headed down from the stand among every other teacher. Soon, Marcie, Peyton, Ann and Aubrey were pushing themselves up from the couch and were following Mrs. Abboud once again. 

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