plate of spaghetti

930 19 14

Tw: sickness/passing out?

"" ranboo said "tommy"

Tommy zoned back in to tubbo and ranboo giving him a concerned look

"You good big man?" Ranboo questioned

Tommy nodded

"You need to hurry your gun a miss your bus" ranboo told the boy

"Oh... Yeah shit you right" tommy said running off "byeee"

"Byee!" The other two said in unison

The time between leaving ranboo and Tubbo to getting off the bus was a blur

He walked inside the house and went straight to his room

He had a pounding head ache most of the school day and still had on now

It was fine seeing as he didn't have the energy to go all the way back downstairs and get something for his head

He took out his homework from the day and started doing it

It was maths of course

The numbers were all kinda blurry and hard to read to a extent

So after about a half hour of making no progress on his homework he decided he would do it later seeing as he had time

He put his math book back in his school bag and flopped on his bed instinctively curling into a ball under his blankets

The blissful comfort his bad gave him didn't last long as the great the wonderful Wilbur had come to ruin it

"Dinners ready" Wilbur stated

"Ok" tommy nodded starting to get up

"Are you ok?" Wilbur questioned

Tommy nodded and apparently that was good enough for him as he walks away

When Wilbur walked away tommy threw his legs over the bed and stood

He swayed a little as black dots flooded his vision

Once they were gone he made his way downstairs

Although the thought of eating made him feel sick he ignored it and sat down at the dinning table

Phil made spaghetti

Tommy just kinda poked at his not comprehending the conversation his family was having

Untill his name was mentioned

"You Gunna eat tommy?" Phil asked the boy

Tommy nodded and started eating his spaghetti

After a minute of eating his eyes closed and he slumped in his chair

When he woke up his was in his bed?

There was two things he noticed before opening his eyes

Someone was playing with his hair and he instinctively leaned into the touch

And that someone was sitting at the foot of his bed

When he opened his eyes he jolted awake startling the two near by

"Hey toms it's ok" techno said from the end of the bed

"Lay back down yeah?" Wilbur suggested

Tommy nodded and layed back down Wilbur going back to messing with his hair

"You passed out in a plate of spaghetti" techno lightly chuckled

"Unfortunately you did" Phil sighed walking into the room with a thermometer

Tommy nodded

Phil put the thermometer to his forehead

"That's high isn't it?" Techno questioned reading the number after a moment

"Sorta?" Wilbur answered

"Go back to bed toms" phil said walking down stairs presumably to make soup

"Tech, wil, you won't let him be the one to make soup right?" Tommy questioned

"Tommy he can't make soup he burnt it last time" tech k stated

Wilbur winced at the memory i mean it's soup you should be able to burn soup

Tommy went back to sleep happily know he wouldn't have to eat whatever 'soup' Phil made

End of chapter

Hello friends

I somehow broke the other oneshtos book •~•

Oh no... My book. It's broken

I hope you all have a lovely day

Word count 590

Sleepyboisinc but Oneshots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now