Not A Daycare

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Phil was sweeping up the nurses office he worked in

It was the school nurse's office at his childrens school

There hadn't really been anyone I today which was good

Apparently he spoke to soon because tommy walked into the room

"Hey mate" Phil waved putting the broom away "what's wrong this time kid?"

"I feel feverish?" Tommy questioned

"You didn't look like you had one when you left the house this morning" Phil stated looking the boy up and down

"That was hours ago Phil and in math a kid was sneezing on me" tommy said glaring at the man

"Fine then i guess we'll check if you have a fever" Phil sighed

He put his hand up to tommys forehand and believe it or not no he didn't have a fever

"Nope you fine" Phil told the boy

"Can I stay here for a bit then?" Tommy questioned

"Not for long you should be in class" Phil replied

Then not even a second later Wilbur walked in

Tommy coming in wasn't out of the ordinary he would come in once a week with a scraped knee of some other small injury

Wilbur how ever almost never went to the nurse's office

"What's wrong?" Phil questioned looking Wilbur up and down for a sign of injury

"Stomach flu?" Wilbur questioned himself

"Did you you throw up?" Phil asked

Wilbur shook his head

"Have a stomach ache?" Phil questioned

Wilbur again shook his head

"So why are you here mate?" Phil sighed

"Didn't feel like going volleyball" Wilbur chuckled "what about you toms?"

"The teacher yelled at me for getting 100% on the test today" tommy shrugged

"Why would she be upset she taught you and you learned" Wilbur asked

"I don't know" tommy answered the boy

"I can't be harboring children you need to go back to your classes" Phil told them

Then techno walked in

"You joking me" Phil exclaimed

"I have a good reason for being here" techno stated

Phil gave him a look saying to go on

"Tommy's teacher was like 'why can't your brother be like you and get 100% on his quiz without cheating' instead of dealing with her and going to my next class which she happened to be teaching i came here" techno explained

"That's more detailed then what either of us gave as a response" Wilbur laughed

Techno just noticing their presence went and sat down next to his brother

"Did you cheat on the text toms?" Phil questioned

"No I'll hav you know i didn't" tommy scoffed

"Fine then" Phil put his hands up in surrender "i do need you three to leave though"

"Why" techno complained having just got comfortable

"Because it's a nurse's office not a daycare" Phil chuckled "if you leave now you can take a lollipop"

Wilbur and techno went over to the jar took a lollipop and left

"Can I have two?" Tommy asked

Phil nodded

Apparently to tommy two meant a handful

End of chapter

I didn't update again last night cus I fell asleep :') but here take this

Word count 518

Sleepyboisinc but Oneshots pt.2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon