If you need me, Call

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If the color of the sky determines someone's day then Wilbur day was going to be the worst

When he woke up the sky was filled with pinks and purples and blues

Sure it was rather early but he thought today would be a good day

How wrong he was.

Wilbur got up and got dressed changing from his pajamas into a orange sweater and black jeans with a gray beanie

He went downstairs and decided he would Cooke French toast for everyone to make today a good day

As he started to take out the ingredients he missed the way the beautiful sky was replaced with gray clouds

How the sky he woke up to was covered by the beginning of a storm.

Wilbur took out the items he needed for French toast

It consisted of:




Powdered sugar

Blue bowl

And fork

He also took out a pan turned on the stove and threw a chunk of butter on the pan while he got to mixing the ingredients

Blissfully unaware of the bay that was to come Wilbur continued to make breakfast for his family as he'd done multiple times before

He mixed the ingredients put them on a plate and covered the bread before putting it on the heated up pan

As he set the bread on the pan as he'd down hundreds of times before Wilbur's hand grazed the side of the scolding hot pan leaving a red mark as a reminder to be more careful

Not letting it ruin it mood Wilbur ignored the small burn and continued making breakfast

It took twenty minutes but eventually he had everything ready

He'd set the table to a more stylish fashion in order to have it match the food he'd made

He made sure every plate had a equal serving and was covered with syrup and a dash of powdered sugar for display

Once he was happy with everything he went to wake up his family

He started with tommy

Normally he'd save the one he enjoyed the most for last but it was going to be a good day

So he started with waking up tommy

The gremlin was sleeping still since it was only 7 in the morning when Wilbur entered his room

He gently shook awake the gremlin 12 year old

"Wat?" Tommy slurred his words having just woken up

"I made breakfast" Wilbur chimed

"It's so early" tommy sighed letting his eyes close once again

"Not to early it's 7 Toms" Wilbur chuckled slightly

"Sky's still asleep" tommy answered his eyes still closed "the sun's not out"

"Is to!" Wilbur protested before pausing to look out the window "oh..."

"Yeah 'oh' is right" tommy laughed still not bothering to reopen his eyes

"Well toms the sky was awake when i got up so you gotta get up it I'll feed your food to the birds" Wilbur smiled before messing up Tommy's already messed up hair and leaving the room

Sleepyboisinc but Oneshots pt.2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora