Chapter 6

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The next morning I was able to sleep in since today we didn't have any classes and my only plans were to study with Hermione that afternoon. What I didn't expect that morning, was a fluffy haired brunette to burst into my room without knocking.

"Morning Granger!" I stretched once more before sitting up. "Good morning Theo. Just letting you know theres this thing called knocking-" Theo shut the door and came over to my bed before smiling and handing me a plate with a muffin on it. "No time to wait and knock when I have muffins," he said as he handed one to me.

I smiled and took it. Blueberry, my favorite. When I got up I noticed it was still early morning and not many other people were awake. "Theo what time is it?" He took another bite before informing me that it was 7 am. "You woke me up at 7 am for a fucking muffin?" He swallowed "yeah yeah sleeping beauty at least I got your favorite."

"How do you know that blueberry's my favorite?" I said as I took a bite. He leaned back and made himself comfortable "I have my ways. Did Draco apologize?" Aha thats why he's here. "Yes he did. Thank you Theo." He pretended to flip his hair "I know I'm pretty perfect."

We both laughed before talking about assignments and how Draco needs to learn how to apologize. "I swear he wakes up every morning and puts a stick up his ass!" We laughed and talked all morning before we started to hear voices in the common room telling us everyone was waking up.

"Well, this has been a wonderful morning but I do have a study date with my sister today" I said as I put on my shoes. Theo opened the door for us to leave "same time tomorrow?!" I laughed and was happy that he was one of my first friends. "Yeah" I said with a smile, "have fun with Draco and Blaise."

"Yes! I'll make sure to never let Draco live this apology down. Have fun with Granger, 'Granger'" he said with finger guns. I could do nothing but smile all the way to Hermione's dorm, happy that I had a new best friend.

It wasn't until I got to Hermione's dorm and was greeted by two 6'4 gingers that I remembered. Shit- I was meeting Fred and George today.

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