Chapter 7

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Fred and George grabbed my arms and walked me into the room. "Hello Granger" George said as he walked me to the trio. "I think it's proper time we met" said Fred as he sat down next to me. Hermione smiled at me before introducing me to the twins and telling me that they'd be studying with the group today. 

We all studied for about 4 hours, although I don't know if you count laughing and making jokes with the twins studying, but we got most of our work done. Fred was very flirty the entire time which I didn't mind too much as he is quite attractive. At one point, he did move his hand onto my thigh as we were all laughing which caused a look from Hermione and a blush to my cheeks. 

The entire night we all laughed as Mione tried to get us all sorted to finish our work. It got later in the night so I decided to go back to my room since it was Friday and I knew that the group would be hanging out tonight. Fred offered to walk me back to my dorm but George reminded him that they were going to handle "business" and he couldn't. Most likely one of the pranks that Mione has told me they love to do.

When I got back to my room I changed into a jumper and some shorts with thigh high stockings before putting my hair up with my wand and heading toward the boys dorm. When I knocked Theo answered the door holding a bag of popcorn. "Hey Granger! What are you doing here?" he opened the door and let me in. "It's Friday. We always hang out on Friday. Where is everyone?" He sat down and informed me that everyone was out as he threw a piece of popcorn into the air and caught it in his mouth. 

I tried to grab a piece of popcorn from his bag but he yanked it out of my reach and downed the rest of it saying that it was his. After he complained about the fact that he was out of popcorn so we decided to sneak into the kitchen. I asked him for a pair of sweats since it was cold outside and threw them over my shorts before leaving. 

On our way to the kitchen we ran into Pansy who ended up joining us for the "adventure." Once we got to the kitchen, Theo ended up tripping on fucking air and banged against the pots which caused us all to run out and back to the dorms before anyone heard us. 

When we entered the Slytherin common room Pansy, Theo, and I all decided to have a race to see who could get back to the dorm the quickest. Before I had the chance run, I was stopped. "Granger! Get the fuck over here." That was Theo and Pansy's cue to start running up the stairs. Great, thanks guys! Really appreciate it. "Good luck Granger! It was nice knowing you!" I heard Theo shout before he disappeared behind the stairwell. 

I turned to see none other than the lovely Draco Malfoy. He was sitting on the couch in the corner of the common room. "Yes Draco?" I said as I walked over to the blonde. "What were you doing out with Pansy and Theo?" I rolled my eyes. "Just getting popcorn don't worry you didn't miss out on the orgy." He narrowed his eyes then did a double take on my pants. "Why are you wearing Theo's sweats?" I laughed before asking him how he knew that they were Theo's. "I'm forced to live with the bloke. Of course I know what kind of clothes he keeps. Now why are you wearing them?" 

"We decided to go the kitchen and I was wearing shorts and didn't want to freeze. Are we done?" He stood up, "You're fault for wearing shorts Granger."  I rolled my eyes before taking off Theo's sweats and throwing them on the table by him. "It's cute pajamas thank you very much! I wore stockings as well, I'm not stupid." He looked me up and down and rolled his tongue across his teeth before grabbing the sweats and throwing them in the fire. 

"Draco what the fuck-?!" He grabbed my arm and walked me to the room. "Relax the boy has plenty of sweats. Next time you need a pair ask me not him." I smiled a little to myself at the fact that he wants me in his joggers not Theo's. 

When we got to the room, Theo asked where his pants were. "Don't look at me. Blame Malfoy." Theo rolled his eyes "I swear Draco- are they in the fire again?" 

"Again?! This has happened more than once?!" Draco sat down on his bed and pulled out a cigarette before smiling and lighting it. "Of course it has. We're working on the baby's temper" Theo said as he went up to Draco and pinched his cheeks. Draco gave him a death stare that made Theo stop right away. 

That night we all just hung out and talked which was a nice change. Little did I know, more than just Draco saw me in Theo's joggers and assumptions were definitely made. 

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