Chapter 4

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During class, the students whispered about the 'incident'. Some laughed, and some looked back at Double D and Kevin's friends.

This made Kevin embarrassed, as well as his friends. The fact that they were embarrassed, by, what they called a dork.

Double D continued his work, ignoring the whispers and stares. He could care less. He knew soon it would fill the school, and he would be the talk of the students.

He looked up to see almost all the student's staring at him, without knowing, he glared at them, and looked back down.

Kevin finally got to see that side of him, and he wanted to see how far it would go. How mad he could get? No matter how much it scared him, when Double D glared at him, he just felt so happy..excited almost so he wanted to enjoy it.

As the bell rang for students to switch classrooms. Double D stood up, grabbed his things, and exited the classroom. All students in the hallway moved out of his way.

People wanted the old Double D back even tho, though it had only been an hour. None of them talked to him, but him walking through the halls like this was abnormal for a sunny child such as Double D.

He had his head down and glared at every student looking at him. He walked in the class, and even the teacher began to worry, not used to Double D being angry.

He sat down and waited for Ed and Eddy. This was the only class they had together.

They both walked in,talking to each other, along with Nat. Nat looked up a Double D and smirked at him, seeming interested with his negative behavior. He tapped on Ed and Eddy, signaling them to look up.

Double D was sitting there with his back to chair, with his arms folded. He had his head moved to the side, with a cold, hard glared.

Nat, Ed, and Eddy walked up their seats, sat down next to Double D, and he hadn't looked up at them like he usually did.

Nat, being interested in the radom change of mood, decided to speak up, "Hey, sweet cheeks, what's the problem." He said as he put his head on Double D shoulder.

Double D toke in a small breath and try to calm himself down and speak with a soft tone.

"It seems that Kevin and his friends have interrupted my peaceful mood." He said as he was slowly calming himself down. Trying nit to have his negative behavior mess with others.

"I wish I was there. I would have beat the shit out of him, and-," Eddy began, but stop when Double D silenced him.

He told him to be quiet when Kevin and two of his friends walked in. Late as usual, but as usual, they didn't care. They sat in front of Double D and his friends in this class.

 Eddy got up and began to yell at them, "You assholes, messed with Double D. We can fight right now!" Double D was now annoyed and asked Eddy to sit down. Before he could protest, Double D shot him a glare. In fear, he sat.

Nat thought that because Kevin and his friends were here, that was what was pissing him off. After this class, Nat was in a class with Double D , no Kevin or his friends. So after this, he hoped that he would be calm.

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