Chapter 6

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Tho, Kevin was the football team leader. He could do some things as long as it wasn't too serious. Kevin walked a little longer, just waiting for the bell to ring so he could head to lunch.

Before he knew it, he was slammed against the nearest wall or locker. He had coughed up some blood, it tasted like iron, and he hated it.

Looking up, he saw a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing jeans, a jacket with a black shirt that had a skull on it. This was the boy that Kevin replaced.

"Yo, what the fuck is your problem!" Kevin said. Trying to move the boy's hand away.

"You're my problem. You took my spot on the football team. Do you even understand what I had to do to get that spot."
Kevin looked at him unamused.

"Hey, kid, what's your name?" "Liam" Kevin finally got Liam's hand off his shirt and spoke.

"Well, Liam, if you don't want your ass beat, I suggest that you back up." Kevin said as he stepped forward. Soon, the bell rang, and student's exited their rooms.

Most students saw the two staring at each other. Most student's pulled out their phones, and others called another student's over. Everyone waited in silence for the fight to begin.

The room's air was thick, and they stared. I am daring one another to take a step forward and swing.

Double D walked out of the classroom after everyone else. He was reading a book, so he didn't hear anything. Then, I saw what looked like it, but wasn't, a million students whispering to each other.

Double D pushed through the crowd to see what was happening. When he made it to the front of the crowd. He saw Kevin and some kid he didn't know, staring at each other. Kevin stepped closer to imitate the boy.

"So what is it going to be, Liam." So that was the boy's name. Double D recalled seeing him in the hallway. He was angry and yelling about something. But, he couldn't remember what.

He stood there waiting for what was going to happen next. Liam was tired of staring, so he stepped back.

Kevin was pleased that he had frightened the boy. But he was wrong when he took a swing to the face. Everyone in the crowd gasped, and Double D jumped a little at the sudden attack.

Kevin was the most shocked but quickly recovered, Liam had a smile on his face that Kevin was quick to wipe off. He swung at Liam and sent him flying into the lockers.

Instead of stopping as Liam did, he kept swinging, slamming Liam's face into the lockers. Everyone was screaming and recording.

Half of the recordings were going to look like they were trying to film while getting their ass kicked. Tho, everyone still tried.

Double D watched as Kevin kept hitting Liam. It's something he always wanted to do. See, someone bleed, look down at them and their broken face, and laugh.

He smiled at this thought. He heard teachers yelling for students to move out of the way so they could get to the cause of the crowd.

Double D walked away, heading to lunch. It turns out that everyone was only standing there for five minutes.
Sorry for all the spelling mistakes. I fixed them and will try to be more careful.

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