Chapter 5

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Double D held his head up with his hands. Not really feeling like he wanted to listen. He was so tired. So tired that the teachers words became irrelevant.

He hated to say it, but.....he wanted to leave and go home. Back to his room, with his books. He wishes he didn't have to deal with other people.

He didn't want people scared of him but he didn't want people the think they could fuck with him either.

If angered to the right amount, he could do more than what he wanted to do. He never wanted to be that type of person.
He wanted people to talk to him and laugh with him.

Most importantly, he didn't want his friends afraid of him. He was grateful for his friends, and he didn't want to lose them.

Tho, Eddy was always scaming people and trying to fight Kevin, Ed was dumb, but he always made people laugh, and Nat always flirted with Double D. Yet, he knew he would miss it if it all disappeared.

Just the thought of all that calmed him down, and he was smiling again. Going back to answer questions. This told everyone that he was back to normal. So everyone looked back to Double D to check, and he was fine.

Everyone sighed with relief, knowing that they wouldn't have to deal with that side of Double D, an longer than they wanted to.

After class, Double D was once again smiling. Students smiled at him, and offered him things.

Even help him with most things. He would tell them that it was unnecessary for them to do this, but they did it anyway.

They wanted to keep him as happy as possible. So they wouldn't have to shiver under his gaze. The teachers were happy as well. They didn't show it, but they were. All missing the happiness when he answered questions.

Double D walked around the halls reading as usual but never seemed to knock in to anybody. Well, at least not today. Today, he walked right into Kevin.

Double D stumbled a little bit but caught himself. Double D looked up to apologize to the redhead. But stop when looked into his green eyes. They reminded him of emeralds.

He must have been staring for a little too long because Kevin spoke up. "What you staring at dork." Double D blush a little bit as though they were in the halls.

"My apologies, I wasn't paying attention. Please forgive me." He said as he began to walk away seeing that he was going to be late.

Kevin watched as Double D walked away, making his way to class. Kevin scuffed before turning around to do the usual. Skip class.

Kevin closed his eyes as he walked there the halls. Many people weren't there anymore, so he could walk freely.

Kevin thought about Double D, how his eyes looked like the ocean but at the same time, a fire. He liked how nervous and shy he was, by how he can get excited about a single question. He also liked how Double D looked when he was angry. He didn't take shit from anyone, even the teachers.

He sent shiver down his spine and everyone else's. This, for some reason, made Kevin happy. He wishes he would act like that more.

But Double D being soft was still something he wanted to see.

Am I the only person who works when the stressed?

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