Chapter 3

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He called me stupid and worthless.

He keeps breaking me yet he keeps making me feel wanted. I don't get him if I'm honest.

He's cold as Ice yet so warm at night. He acts like I don't exist yet notices me.

Im slowly dying everyday. My time is limited, my mind is foggy.

My parent hate me, my siblings love me. Im the black sheep of the family yet they say I'm the beauty of it.

My mother hates me so much she barely feeds me. Her words exactly "you seem to be getting bigger today"

My father ignores me he's said "I wish you weren't born"

He beats me at times when he's angry.

My father is many things but to my mother he's perfect.

Then there is zeke. He's sweet to me at night but cruel to me at day.

My time is coming soon it'll all be okay.

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