Just you

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I wake up to the sound off laughter and shouting coming from my brothers room as i get up still wobbly as i was half asleep i toddled down the hall to my brothers room.

" Finn!" I shouted as i arrived at his white door and had a sign saying ' do not disturbed'

" come in" he shouted back as it all went silent as i trailed in i see him. One off his friends chilled out in his bed scrolling through his phone he looked up at me and smiled , i've known Ethan all my life because Finn and Ethan has been friends all there life just he's been out off town recently for the last two

" omg Ethans back! " i saw with a smile on my face as he pulls his eyes to me

" yes i am princess " the nickname he called me for years ofc ever since he saw that picture where i made a princess dress out off plastic bags

" isn't that name getting a bit boring by now? " i ask whilst laughing ever so slightly

" never " he says as Finn then butted in

" what do you want " he asks rather quite moody

" well you woke me up , so i came to see what was going on"

" okay well go back to bed " he told me as i rolled my eyes at him

" night princess , have you made an update to the dress yet" he smirked as i just glared

" No i haven't i made that years ago "

" ah well it still looks fresh to me" he says whilst getting the picture up from his phone

" ah well it still looks fresh to me" he says whilst getting the picture up from his phone

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*pretend you little and wearing the dress *

" delete that! Its so embarrassing!" I ordered as he laughed

" You've grown up a bit since then , bossy boots " he smirkes as my brother then interrupted

" you can go now y/n" he says whilst practically shoving me out the door

" bye princess" Ethan shouts as he laughes to himself

I scurry off to bed with a smile on my face thinking about how he's back from a two year trip and how he still calls me that nickname. Our family where really close when we where younger we use to go out to meals all the time till there dad passed away we then started to grow apart slightly. They then took a 2 year trip down to Australia to see there other family since there grandad wasn't taking the news nicely at all.

All night my mind kept running till it could run no longer.

Finn pov

" god my sister is so annoying" i said as i sit back down " any way where where we"

" I was telling you about my trip" Ethan responded whilst putting his phone down

" carry on you way saying how last year at Christmas your grandad was calling some random lady hot..." Ethan then carry's on the story till they both go to sleep at about 7 am

Y/n pov

I wake up to the light shining from the sides off my curtains i head downstairs where i see Ethan and Finn stood in the kitchen eating cereal , they where stood there in matching trouses and no top. Ethans body was skinny yet very detailed he had a 6 pack where as my brother was more big bones so he did look tougher.

" well good morning princess " he says whilst shoving his face with more food

" morning " i saw as i get some orange juice put and pore a glass for me

" Mum and dad is going to be out all day , do what you want invite friends round idc " Finn says numbly as he always says every Saturday morning . " can you go to the shop to get some bread " he asks me as i sigh

" i just woke up , i hate going to the shop " i windage

"Ill go with you princess " Ethan buts in as he then puts his bowl in the sink

" No you don't have to" i say feeling a bit guilty

"I need to get a few stuff and drop them home any way " he said " ill come with you"

" alright ill wait here then i cant be bothered going out" my brother buts in as i nod my head and run upstairs to get some clothes on he then come up also

" Youse look so gay in matching pyjamas you know" i say teasingly as i walk to my room

" take it back " he says following me

" Nope , use do " i smirk as i walk in my room he then follows me in and closes the door behind

" i see your bedroom has changed a-lot " he says looking around picking up some of my old teddies " awe you still have this little guy though" he says smiling

" yeah of course i do " i smile as i go to my draw to get some clothes out , he comes up behind me as he stretched across to pick up a picture that sits on my draws

" I remember this day , it was the last meal we went to with my dad " he says studying the photo " can you send me the picture over?" He asks

" sure i can , now get out whilst i get dressed " i say turning around to face him

" Okay I'm going, bye " he says as he puts the picture back and leaves

I take a deep breathe as i then get dressed to go to the shop trying to find something decent as i know i will be going to his house where his mother will be , me and her had a great relationship when i was younger she was like a second mother to me i would always tell her about boys and drama at school she was like the cool mum , i would tell her things i couldn't tell my actual mum.

Ethan. Matthews Where stories live. Discover now