Family gatherings

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Ethan pov

I wake up to Finns phone ringing he stumbles out off bed to get it then turns to me.

" Yes, hello" he says grumpily as he answers the call

Finns pov

" did you seriously just wake up sweetie? " my mum asks

" Yes i did, whats up" i ask

" You need to get ready in about 2 house we are going out with the Matthews, i cant wait to see them , bet you've already seen Ethan" she mentions as i here dad asking question from the background

" Yeah Hes with me now " i say

" oh thats wonderful, get your sister up and tell her to get ready , we will be home in about an hour or so , love you" my mum explains

" Bye love you mum" we then end the phone

" Oi Ethan wake Y/n , I'm going in the shower " i shout to Ethan to wake him up he then moans and winged about getting out off bed.

" But i want to sleep more" he mumbled putting a pillow over his face

" Get up Ethan" i say removing it

" Ugh fine" he gets out off bed and storms down the corridors to my sisters room

I walk to the bathroom as i turn on the shower put it as the perfect temperature 42 , i climd in and wash my hair.

I give myself a bit off a wank as i wash my body
"Ahh" i moan to myself

Ethans pov

I stumble to y/n room as i knock on her door , no replay , i slowly open the door to see my princess fast asleep , i wasn't sure what the kiss meant but all i know is that i kissed her and it was amazing.

I could hear her cute little snores as i walk closer to her , i pull her blanket up to give me room to lay down next to her.

" Morning princess" i whisper in her ear as i kiss her cheek

" Mm morning" she sleepily spoke

" You need to get up, were going out for dinner " i say as she turned to face me , she pressed her face against in my bare chest as her breathing became steady and constant.

We lay there for a few minutes just cuddling and comforting each other, she lifts her head up and pecks my lips as i pecked hers " up you get princess " i motivated her

" I'm up , I'm up" she says sitting up " Is the shower free?" She asked me as she yawned

" Your brother is in there " i sit up and lightly kiss her neck moving her hair away

" Mm Ethan..." she trails off

" Was i your first kiss y/n" i abruptly asked her

" Mhm" she again trails off , i stop

" Was i your first kiss y/n" i repeated she turned around and looked at me

" Yes" she murmured , we then heard a knock on the door as i practically jumped out off her bed and off her

" Come in" she shouts as Finn walks in

"Showers free" he declared as she thanked him and left to go in the shower

Finns pov

" man i just had such a good wank, i haven't been touched in ages " i start as Ethan laughed

" Good on ya lad" he chuckled " alright well I'm going head home and get sorted over there "

" alright lad " i stated

" Tell y/n i said cya" he insisted

" Will do man"

I say bye to Ethan and i went upstairs to get sorted , i dry my hair and fix it.

Y/n Pov

I leave the bathroom after having a nice warming shower , a time to leave my thoughts sink in and carry on spinning.

Finn shouts that Ethan is gone and he said bye to me i shouted thanks back

I dried my hair and curled it , i then put on a black dress that i found.

" Im home sweeties" i hear my mum and dad shout from downstairs, i head downstairs

" Bit to dressed for a family dinner " Finn judged

" I am not" i hissed

" You look gorgeous sweetie" my mum remarked as she hugged me

" Thanks mum , so do you"

" We all ready" dad questioned as Finn and i both said yes

We leave the house and set off to Borges where we normally have family meals. Soon after we arrive at Borges, my mum hugs Joanne and says hi and how they missed each other , then my dad hugs her and also says hi long time .

We all sit down me Finn next to Ethan me in between Ethan and Joanne then my mum and dad.

" So dear hows school been " Joanne questioned me

" Its good "

" Ethans coming back to your school, cant believe all my baby's are going into year 11, so grown up now" she then remarked

" I know , y/n has definitely grown a bit in certain places, shes like a young women" my mum grinned

" I thought that, all the kids are going to be jealous, I definitely was known as the flat girl in my school" Joanne speaks up as i sit in silence

" I know , speaking off before i forget, are you need any new bras? " she asked as she got her phone out

" Seriously mum? " " you are so embarrassing " i huffed feeling embarrassed, i could see Ethan in the corner off my eye loving this , talking about my breasts is probably entertaining to him

" Well do you" she repeated

" Yes mum i do " i grinned to try and make her shut up she then notes it into her phone.

The rest off the meal was really nice, all off us getting caught up with one another. Laughter and smiled from two families was just the feeling I've been missing

" Can you remember that time when you made a dress out off a plastic bag" some one brought up

" you ran that fashion sow like your life depended on it " some one else then said

" Im practically a model now " i laugh as Eveyone chuckles

Ethans pov

Y/n was looking so pretty right now, the way she smiled and the way she tucked her hair behind her ear , the dress also looked flattering on her it showed all her perfect curves , it was a low cut one so it also showed a bit off skin.

We where all talking about memories , once like y/n plastic dress, the one where i wrote " fuck me " on the wall when i was 8 , man i got into big trouble. Family memories like the time we all went camping and roasted marshmallows on fire.

The time passed and it was time to all head home, we stood up and made our way out the restaurant, thanking the cook who we where all great friends with. We all said bye as i whispered into y/n ear without any one looking

" You look gorgeous tonight " She smiles

" See you on Monday Ethan" she smiled

" See ya tomorrow lad, you coming over and walking to school with us ?" Finn butted in as y/n went to say bye to my mum

" Sure man , ill message you in the morning" i responded

Ethan. Matthews Where stories live. Discover now