Curling iron

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Y/n Pov

It was the end off the school day and i was stood with bsf/n talking about lessons and

" Jake today tho " i say

" Man he is an absolute twat"

" Who is Jake? " Ethan comes back and asked

" No one " i say

" Well must be some one if use are stood here having a conversation about him " he says moodily and sounding a bit jealous

" This guy that swore at the teacher today he is an absolute twat" i turn around and tell him

" Good." He says " Well I'm taking her bsf/n , Finn has football try outs today "

" Ah of course " i say

" Cyaaa bsf/n " i say smiling and waving

I turn around as i hear my name come from some where and i bump into some one i turn around and look up. Its Olivia

" Watch where you walk slut" she says rolling her eyes " Is that a hickey on your neck" she asks as my hair by accidentally moved.

" Whats it got to do with you" i snarl

" Because you must be sleeping with some one " she snapped

" No , you can get a hickey without sleep with some one " i snap back

" Okay enough , were going " Ethan grabs my arm and dragged me away

" Ignore her your not a slut " he reassured me

" I know I'm not, even if i end up sleeping with i wont be one cos i never slept with any one and a slut sleeps with all guys in her pass , she crosses me one more time and i swear down i will bloody put her in the right place " i snarl

" If we end up sleeping together? Whats that suppose to mean " he says as my heart stopped a since i didn't even realise i said that

" What do you mean?" I tried to play it off dumb

" You know exactly what i mean, don't play dumb with me " he looks me up and down

" Im not playing dumb" i say as he looks away

" If thats what you say..." he trails off  " Go out with me " he calls

" What?"

" Go out with me, were not official yet, and i want you to be just mine , go out with me " he explained

" Okay then " i smile

As we head home he had his arm around my shoulder " Come to mine" he dragged me to his not really giving me a choice

" Hey mum , Finn is at footy try outs i told him to come here afterwards , Y/n is here tho were gonna go play some COD"he tells my Joanne

" You sure she likes to play that" his mum asks

" Yeah she is great at fighting games " he smirked then we both rush upstairs and to his bedroom , he closes the door behind me

He comes in and takes his jumper off , he unbuttons his shirt.

" What you doing?" I questioned watching him take his shirt and his tie off

Ethan. Matthews Where stories live. Discover now