Trouble in the neighbour hood

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Ethans pov

She walks out off the bathroom with an adorable smile on her face she come over and lays next to me.

" I suppose we don't have to keep it a secret that we are dating now , we can tell people " she smiled to me

" Yeah , at least now people will know your mine and know not to come up to you asking for your number " i laugh slightly trying to pretend i was joking

" Thats true" she smiles " Alright well im off i need a shower i stink " she said as she sits up

" Mmm not yet " i moan

" I need to be home any way " she got up and found her clothes she then went in the bathroom to get dressed

" No need to hide princess , i seen you naked before"I heard a laugh but she didn't respond

" Can i keep your jumper " she smiles

" No its mine "

Y/n Pov

I headed downstairs with my phone in my hand , Ethan following behind

" Thanks for having me joanne im going to get going" i thanked and walked out the door

" Bye love " he kissed me goodbye

" Mm bye " i said and walked away , he shut the door behind me.

Ethans pov

" she makes you happy doesnt she?"

" AHHH fuck bloody hell mam!" I shouted out off fright

" Don't swear " she said

" Sorry you scared me " i laughed awkwardly

" Answer my question"

" What question "

" Does she make you happy?"

" Yes , yes she does , why?"

" No reason" she smiled then walked away.

Y/n Pov

I walked in to my mum dad and Fin all in the front room  talking.

" Where have you been y/n? " My mum questioned

" I was at Joannes" i smiled back

" Oh okay "

" Of course you where there " Fin started

" Where else would she be " dad laughed

" Yeah where else would you be " Fin sarcastically says  " had a nice night ?"

" Yes it was fine "

" Did Ethan fuck you again?" Fin laughed as my mums and dads head swang to me

" Excuse me ? You what?" My dad started

" Oh off course you and Ethan why couldn't i see it before " Mum then smiled to herself

" What the hell Fin!" I shouted

" Not what the hell fin what the hell you?" Dad shouted " You have been sneaking around with Ethan ?"

" Fin what are you getting from this! " i shouted to fin

" Why its entertainment "

"Why can't you just be happy for me?!"

" Why? Oh because i walk in on Ethan on top off you "

" Okay and i dont get what that has anything to do with you, who i sleep with and who i love , why does it matter!"

" Okay y/n calm down , You shouldn't be sleeping with any one your to young for that " Dad butted in

" Oh so when Fin first slept with some one you where patting her back but when i you shout at me!?" I argued back

" Your a girl have some decentcy for yourself god y/n didn't know i raised you to be like this sleeping with any guy you see "

" Don't drag me in to this!" fin huffed

" I don't sleep with every guy dad , you know Ethan I've know him since i was little! " i shouted " Its not as if we just randomly did it"

" Oh yeah then what happened "

" Its non off your business the lot off use " i shouted then stormed up the stairs

a few hours had went by and i was sat on my bed just on my phone ignoring the full family.

" Y/n" i heard Fin shout my name i ignored it " y/n " he shouted again . I just ignored it , then he stopped

Fins pov

" told you she didn't want to talk to you" I told him

" Well let me go up, you didn't even tell her i was here" Ethan said as he tried to go upstairs

" No , leave her be " i tell him

" Fucking move Fin " he yelled at me as he shoved past me he ran upstairs to her room , i followed behind.

" Hey princess" he said as he knocks on the door, there was no answer so he knocks again

We then both heard footsteps and the door creaked i tried pushing Ethan away from the door

" What the hell is going on " y/n said as she tried pulling us apart

" Fin told me you didn't want to see me " Ethan said as i roled my eyes

" Why would you tell him that Fin?"

" Because i wanted to "

" Why do you always tell me what i can or can't do I'm sick off it fin!" Y/n shouted

Ethan. Matthews Where stories live. Discover now