Sneek attack

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Y/n pov

I hear a knock on my window as i go to open it , its Ethan

" Why you coming in the window ?" I say laughing as i helped him in

" Well if i come through the door your brother will know I'm here and i would have to play xbox with him , and i don't want to do that right now " he says as he shuts the window behind him

" Well what do you want to do now?"

" Spend time with you "

" Awe what a cutie"

" You know me " he grins

" Yes i do "

" Good , get on the bed " he ordered me

" Why "

" Because i told you to "

" What are you planning Mr " i tease as i sit on the bed , he then takes two DVDs from his coat pocket

" Now Who's dirty" he smirked as i rolled my eyes " What have i told you about rolling your eyes at me princess " he comes to me as I'm sat on the edge of the bed , he lifts my chin up , so I'm looking up at him. He bites his lip. He leans down and kisses me , as if it was the last time he ever would kiss me , he picks me up not breaking the kiss , he then lays me down , this time breaking the kiss.

I could hear his breathing get heavy as she studied every part off my body , he then goes back in to kiss me , i put my fingers through his hair as he does so, he starts kissing down my neck once again, this time the feeling was much harder and needy.

Ethans pov

I start kissing her neck harder then I normally done and have done , probably leaving more marks then just one , she had a button up oversized top on and some shorts on , i stop and look at her to ask for permission to undo a few buttons. She looks at me then puts her head back.

I slowly start to undo her buttons one by one , her breathing sped up as she feels me undoing her shirt.

" Ethan." She stopped me as she put her hand on my hand

I look up at her " Yes "

" i- i'm , I'm not really" she then goes shy , i kiss her cheek

" Your gorgeous" i tell her as i knew what she was trying to say , she smiles , i carry on unbuttoning her top.

" See your gorgeous " i say as my eyes and hands adventure her chest.

Y/n Pov

He begins kissing my chest and gently biting at certain parts , i let a few moans out as he makes a piece of art work on the top half off my body.

He then makes his way back up to my lips as we carry on kissing , i then pull his top off him and throw it on the floor some where.

" Was dying to get that off weren't you" he whispers in my ear.

I carry on kissing him as he flipped me over to make me on top.

I then began my art work on him , i kissed his neck down to wear his trousers start , i tried to mark him as he did me. I look up to see his head flung backwards in the joy off me kissing him.

A knock sounds at the door.

" Sweetie!" My mum shouts

" Um yeah wait I'm just getting dressed! " i shout back as i jump off Ethan and grab my shirt

" Hide under my bed" i whisper to him as he does just that , i then kick his shirt under as well as i finish tying my buttons , i go to the door and open it

" Hey sorry" i say to my mum as she comes in and sits on my bed

" I need to talk to you about something serious dear " she sighs , i go over and sit next to her

" Can't you do it another time i have a lot off studying to do " i pleased her

" i need to tell you now and get it done with " she tells me

" But mum-"

" Just listen , i know your at the age where dating boys is going to be a big thing"

" Mum please , can we talk about this later " i say knowing Ethans probably under my bed smirking

" Its important , let me tell you, its alright to be sexually active with another just make sure the first person you do it with is the right one , its important to feel safe with them , and its not a need please don't feel pressured to doing it " she smiles

Ethans pov

Y/n mum comes in her room to talk to her about ' boys' and sex , i was giggling to myself as i hear her mum talking about pregnancies boys and do's and and don'ts with them.

" Make sure you have protection , and don't ever be worried i will never get mad at you for it, its a natural thing and everyone does it at the time "

I heard her say to y/n she wasn't saying much except that she wasn't going to and she wasn't ready and asking her to talk about it with her later.

"why bring this up" she asked her mum as i covered my mouth from trying not to laugh to loud

" Well i saw the hickey on your neck the other day and i just wanted you to know , that you can talk to me about anything , now I'm not going to ask who did it , but i bought you a few condoms different sizes because i know what boys are like "

" Omg mum! Stop. Im not having sex " i hear her shout as she stands up " It was a hickey , not sex mum" she says again , Finn comes busting in the room

" Who's having sex?"

" I said I'm not having sex"

" Ohhhh your busted " Finn teases

" She is not busted Finn , do you really want me to tell her how many times I've caught a girl walking in and out this house "

" Get out Finn" y/n told Finn whilst pushing him out the door

" Im not having sex mum " i try so hard not to laugh as she practically just jinxing herself.

" Alright dear well , ill still set the condoms on the top of your drawer , at least if you do have sex , you will be protected" she smiled setting them down. " Okay bye love you!" And she left the room.

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