Chapter 6

106 4 2

Frankie's POV
Me and Zach both run into the kitchen. The smoke detector soon starts to go off

"You get the cookies, I'll get the smoke detector to go off!"

I shout over the loud blaring sound coming from the celling. I rush over to the sink and grab a cloth, and start fanning the smoke away from the smoke detector with it. Still fanning the celling, I look over to Zach who is struggling putting a baking glove on. Once the cupcakes are out of the oven, the smoke detector finally stops. I walk over to the stove by Zach and just stare at the cupcakes. After about a minute of extremely awkward silence, zach finally decides to speak.

"Well... They turned out better than the last cupcakes I've ever made"

I chuckle and pick up a cupcake from the pan, hitting it of the counter with a loud bang


Zach picked up a cupcake and took a small bite.

"You know, besides the hardness, they have a nice taste. My mom isn't really picky when it comes to food, I think she'll like it."

I nod and try one also. Zach was a bit right, I mean it's basically like eating a rock but a good rock. I think?

"Let's put them in my car and then we can drive to her house and give them to her."

I give Zach another confused look

"So you take the bus to school, walk home after school and have a car?"

"Yep! Now let's go"

As Zach starts puting the cupcakes in a small box, I notice it's almost six o clock. I guess my mom wouldn't mind if I stayed back at "school" a bit longer.
But what if Zach's mom dosen't like me? I mean, yes I'm not the most attractive person in the world, but maybe she's like Zach and-

"Earth to Frank"


Zach dosent say anything else, just points to the keys in his hand.
"Oh right, need help with the box?"
Zach shakes his head,I follow him out to the front of the house


I count the steps in my head, hearing little squeaks on each step. But instead of Zach going straight down the drive way, he makes a right turn. I follow him and notice a small motorcycle.

"I thought you said you had a car?"

I notice Zach tying the box to the back of the motorcycle

"Yeah... I did but... Put this on"

Zach throws me a large helmet

"Your joking right"

"No, now put it on"

I pull the helmet over my head. Zach doing the same. I slowly sit down behind Zach. Zach shouted over the loud engine

"Wrap your arms around me!"


Zach grabs my arms, pulling them around him. I blush at the small act. We slowly pull out of the driveway and start driving down a few streets.

"Put your arms out!"

"No, I might fall off and split my head open or maybe even di-"

Once again I feel hands grabbing my arms and letting them just go free. Adrenaline soon kicked in and I just started screaming in excitement

"I'm not dieing! Whoooooooooo"

Zach starts laughing at my comment

"Fun, right?!"

The Names Zach |Zankie|Where stories live. Discover now